Stamboom van:

Midnight Princess of Gypsy Heart 202010332

1e Vpremie
(MERRIE) geb: 26 February 2020, HB1 A
Lord Darius of the Gypsy Heart 201410082 STER
1 April 2013
Basis Premie

Lloyds 201410029
1 January 2004
Basis Premie
Tom Dooley Old Horse
Angel N.R.
Poshes Mare 201410059 1e Premie
1 January 2004
Basis Premie

The Producer 0611156
1 January 1997

The Roadsweeper
The Coal Horse
1 January 1972
Old Henry
1 January 1970
The Sham Horse -Irish Tinker
UK Foundation Mare -Gypsy Vanner
Limirick Black Mare
Fred Walker Mare
Bobby Rayfields Good Mare NR
Eddy Daughter N.R.
Cillbarra Now en Zen 201810497 2e Premie
1 January 2010
Basis Premie