Stamtavle af:

Stald Dalby-s Maximus 202110432
1e Vpremie
(HINGST) 26 March 2021, HB1 B,
Hauges Milo 201310611 STER
25 March 2013
HB1 A Premie

Frilenis Ailill 0910642 1e Premie , Traditional Cob®
13 June 2009
HB1 A Premie

The Red Rooster 0810110 STER & PREFERENT
1 January 2005
Basis Premie

Frilenis Ebony 0711191 1e Premie + Preferent
1 June 2006
Basis Premie

The Boss AKA the Business
1 January 1990 Basis
Klittens Katinka
1 January 2000

Stald Dalby-s Tara 201810451 2e Partbred Premie
16 March 2015