Stamtavle af:

You Know Who Doom 202010405
(HOPPE) 18 August 2020, HB2 B,
Frilenis Guess Who 201210230
16 May 2012

Frilenis Ailill 0910642 1e Premie , Traditional Cob®
13 June 2009
HB1 A Premie

The Red Rooster 0810110 STER & PREFERENT
1 January 2005
Basis Premie

Frilenis Ebony 0711191 1e Premie + Preferent
1 June 2006
Basis Premie

The Boss AKA the Business
1 January 1990 Basis
Autumn 1010090 2e Premie
1 January 2007
Basis Premie

Dun Mare akaShady Lady
Coates Shiki 202010031
1 January 2015