Ahnentafel von:

Mr.Dickens van de Gorterstraat 0710527
2e Premie , Traditional CobĀ®
(HENGST) 13 April 2007, HB1 A Premie,
Ryan van de Gorterstraat 2e Premie
1 January 2002
Basis Premie

Lizzy 0201326 STER PREFERENT Kamp. Someren 2004
1 January 2000
Basis Premie

The Producer 0611156
1 January 1997

The Roadsweeper
The Coal Horse
1 January 1972 Basis
Fred Walker Mare
Bobby Rayfields Good Mare NR
Spirit van de Gorterstraat STER
1 January 2000
Basis Premie