Ahnentafel von:

Nautrups Luna Rosba 201410634
1e Premie
(STUTE) 13 June 2014, HB1 A Premie,
Vines Roscoe 201110143 1e Premie
1 January 2010
Basis Premie

Rocky -GCS Ltd-
Magpie Mare
Næbbets Billoba Athene 201410016 STER
17 June 2006
HB1 A Premie

Næbbets Black Spirit 2e Premie
1 January 2000
Basis Premie

Bob The Blagdon 0611152 1e Premie, Preferent
1 January 1997

The Lob Eared Horse -GVHSoc.
The Horseshoe Mare N.R.
The Indian Mare N.R.
Næbbets Romany
1 January 2000
Basis Premie