Ahnentafel von:
(HENGST) 4 April 2010, HB1 B,
Gehe zu: [Ahnentafel]
[Vertikaler Stammbaum]
[Anderes Pferd]
Bloc van Tinkerstal Foubert STER, Kamp. 2006 en 2007 1 January 1999 Basis Premie |
Jessie Go-Go STER, Werk , Traditional CobĀ® 28 February 2006 HB1 A Premie |
Tossy Go-Go STER, PREFERENT en Beste Vijfjarige 2007 1 January 2002 HB1 A Premie |
The Midget 0611153 PREFERENT 1 January 1998 Basis |
Grand Son of Eddies Old Horse N.R. |
Daughter of the Old Horse of Wales N.R. |
Belfie 0201330 1 January 1991 Basis Premie |
Beauty 0403623 STER 1 January 2000 Basis Premie |