Pedigree of:
Wout Go-Go 202110486
(STALLION) 18 June 2021, HB1 B, PSSM1:n/n
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Atlas SHS van de Lijntse Bossen 201810221
STER en DAGKAMPIOEN 2022+2023 , Traditional Cob®
29 May 2018
HB1 A Premie
Fantasy Apollo 0910690
STER & 3x Champ. + PREFERENT
15 July 2009
HB1 A Premie
Bas Go-Go 0710495
1 January 1999
Basis Premie
Ali Baba 0810186
1 May 2003
Basis Premie
Gioconda van de Lijntse Bossen 201310503
STER en Kampioen
1 January 2007
Basis Premie
Laura Go-Go 201310245
Traditional Cob®
15 April 2013
Tommy Go-Go 0910231
STER , Traditional Cob®
18 April 2009
Basis Premie Ruinen
Tom 0711380
STER, PREFERENT, Kamp. Finland 2007
1 January 2003
Basis Premie
Lizzy 0201326
STER PREFERENT Kamp. Someren 2004
1 January 2000
Basis Premie
The Producer 0611156
1 January 1997
The Roadsweeper
The Coal Horse
1 January 1972 Basis
Fred Walker Mare
Bobby Rayfields Good Mare NR
Lady 0201327
1 January 1996
Basis Premie