Afstammelingen van:
  Shamrocks Liberty Bell
(MERRIE) geb: 1 January 1997, Basis Premie
Lillevangs Tiana MERRIE, 17 May 2002 Basis Premie
Leopold 0710250 HENGST, 27 May 2006 HB1 A
Rollo 0402288 HENGST, 11 May 2003 HB1 A
Shamrocks Deirdre of Spades 201210010 2e Premie , Traditional CobĀ® MERRIE, 12 June 2011 HB1 A Premie
Golden Angel 202310722 TRADITIONAL COB MERRIE, 5 June 2023 HB1 A
Shamrocks Shane of Spades 0810758 HENGST, 12 May 2008 HB1 A
Shamrocks Tara of Spades 0910909 MERRIE, 11 May 2009 HB1 A
Shamrocks Zoey of Spades 1110035 MERRIE, 13 May 2010 HB1 A