Afstammelingen van:
![](icslogo.jpg) ![]( Tara van Gipsy Spirit
2e Premie (MERRIE) geb: 1 January 1995, Basis Premie
Devin van Gipsy Spirit 4e Premie RUIN, 23 March 2003 HB2 Ruinen
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Casper Crossland Horses 0710946 3e Vpremie HENGST, 19 April 2007 HB1 A
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Darla Crossland Horses 0710944 2e Vpremie MERRIE, 19 April 2007 HB1 A
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Fripon des Boisets 201310070 HENGST, 7 April 2013 HB1 B
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Mikado des Boisets 201110164 HENGST, 20 April 2011 HB1 B
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Eline Blue Crossland Horses 0710945 Traditional CobĀ® MERRIE, 28 May 2007 HB1 A
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Freule of Crossland Horses 0810580 2e Vpremie MERRIE, 29 March 2008 HB1 A
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Goliath of Crossland Horses 0810581 HENGST, 16 April 2008 HB1 A
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Herby of Crossland Horses 0810582 HENGST, 29 April 2008 HB1 A
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Isadora of Crossland Horses 0810583 MERRIE, 14 May 2008 HB1 A
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Kalou de Soie Traditional CobĀ® MERRIE, 24 March 2004 HB1 A
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