Afstammelingen van:
  Condor van Heemstra
1e Premie (HENGST) geb: 1 January 1997, Basis Premie
Any van de Kocanda 20 0810358 2e Premie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 25 May 2008 HB1 A
Artemis 201110638 2e Premie MERRIE, 29 July 2008 HB1 B Premie
Arwen of the Iron Mountains 201310468 2e Vpremie MERRIE, 19 May 2013 HB1 A
Berenika 201110639 2e Premie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 9 May 2011 HB1 A Premie
Goldy von Cathleen 201210456 2e Premie HENGST, 20 June 2008 HB1 A Premie
Debie von Cathleen 201610337 MERRIE, 4 July 2016 HB1 B
Larisa 201310541 2e Crossbredpremie MERRIE, 20 April 2012 Crossbred
Lesster 201610499 HENGST, 3 May 2016 HB1 A Partbred
Lenty 201210452 3e Premie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 6 May 2010 HB1 A
Mefista Irish Aster 1010678 2e Premie MERRIE, 8 May 2007 HB1 B Premie
Morgana 201310434 2e Premie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 22 May 2013 HB1 A Premie