Afstammelingen van:
 The Boss.
(HENGST) geb: ,
Golden Girl 201210140 MERRIE, 1 January 2002 Basis
Jeanne dArc van Gipsy Dreams 201210459 MERRIE, 1 May 2012 HB1 B
Hauge-s Crème Brûlée 201910435 MERRIE, 31 March 2019 HB2 B
Hauges Jessie 201810535 MERRIE, 17 April 2018 HB2 B
Morning Mist van Gipsy Dreams 201310382 MERRIE, 1 May 2013 HB2 B
Unique Gypsy Horses Dream of Dudee 201210142 MERRIE, 13 May 2010 Basis
Unique Gypsy Horses Kahlua 201410638 HENGST, 20 June 2014 HB1 B
Unique Gypsy Horses Nadine Nellie 201610350 MERRIE, 25 June 2015 HB1 A PSSM1:n/n
Unique Gypsy Horses Medina 201210141 MERRIE, 18 May 2011 HB1 B
Fantasy Miracle 201410584 MERRIE, 18 April 2014 HB2 B