Afstammelingen van:
 Ams Queenie
(MERRIE) geb: ,
T.P.S King Robbie 201410425 1e Premie HENGST, 1 January 2007 HB2 B Premie
Adonna of Romany Vanner 201410435 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 26 June 2014 HB1 A
Angel of Romany Vanner 201810178 1e Premie MERRIE, 31 May 2016 HB1 A Premie
Arzing of Romany Vanner 202310670 MERRIE, 2 April 2023 HB1 B
Chelle of Romany Vanner 202010344 MERRIE, 11 September 2019 HB1 B
Starlight of Romany Vanner 202110596 MERRIE, 3 April 2021 HB1 B
Bahron of Romany Vanner 201410436 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 30 May 2014 HB1 A
Blue Diamond 201810174 HENGST, 28 April 2018 HB1 B
Magaia 201810175 MERRIE, 25 April 2018 HB1 A
Pajor Peaky Blinder 201810053 1e Vpremie MERRIE, 6 June 2017 HB1 A
Pearl of Romany Vanner 201410657 1e Premie , TRADITIONAL COB MERRIE, 28 August 2014 HB1 A Premie PSSM1:n/n
COSMO OF ROMANY VANNER 202210031 HENGST, 30 May 2021 HB1 B
Leolin of Romany Vanner 202310668 HENGST, 24 March 2023 HB1 B
Lightning of Romany Vanner 202010343 HENGST, 12 June 2019 HB1 B
Barbros Banjeet 202310671 HENGST, 4 May 2023 HB2 A
Reddington of Romany Vanner 201510305 STER , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 14 May 2015 HB1 A Premie PSSM1:n/n
Pajor Etta James 202110576 1e Premie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 3 April 2021 HB1 A Premie
Polly Gray 202410271 1e Vpremie , TRADITIONAL COB MERRIE, 4 June 2023 HB1 A
Søvangs Liberty 202010147 Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 1 April 2020 HB1 A