Afstammelingen van:
 Daughter of the Old Horse of Wales N.R.
(MERRIE) geb: ,
The Midget 0611153 PREFERENT HENGST, 1 January 1998 Basis
Angel Snorremans van Germania STER, Kamp.2007 PREFERENT MERRIE, 1 January 2000 Basis Premie
Artois Snorremans van Germania 2e Vpremie RUIN, 22 April 2005 Basis
Dilhara Snorremans van Germania 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 9 March 2007 HB1 A
Fantaghiro Snorremans van Germania 0810301 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 15 March 2008 HB1 A
Hayo Snorremans van Germania 0900002 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 26 March 2009 HB1 A
Janesho Snorremans van Germania 201000072 STER , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 25 March 2010 HB1 A Premie PSSM1:n/n
Bella 202110216 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 24 May 2021 HB1 A PSSM1:n/n
Binky Pablo Hoeve Tinteler 202310692 HENGST, 20 May 2023 HB1 B PSSM1:n/n
Desirees Jack 202110036 2e Premie HENGST, 11 May 2018 Basis Premie PSSM1:n/n
Schuurmans Blaze Aaroni 202310283 MERRIE, 25 August 2022 HB1 A PSSM1:n/n
Eira van Rapunzel 201910662 Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 13 May 2019 HB1 A
Logan van Hoeve Tinteler 202410378 HENGST, 17 April 2024 HB1 B
Maylo 202110055 2e Premie HENGST, 14 May 2018 HB1 A Premie PSSM1:n/n
Veldhoeves Briona 202310265 1e Vpremie , TRADITIONAL COB MERRIE, 21 April 2023 HB1 A
Veldhoeves Bryant 202210151 2e Vpremie , TRADITIONAL COB HENGST, 12 May 2022 HB1 A
Lillyfee Snorremans van Germania 201110101 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 2 April 2011 HB1 A
Meadows Selwyn STER, PREFERENT, Werk HENGST, 1 May 2003 Basis Premie
AFRODITA ZE SEDMI DVORŮ 201710532 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 11 May 2017 HB1 A
Aprils Missy 201110110 Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 10 April 2011 HB1 A
Ard Ri of Tara 0910434 Traditional Cob® RUIN, 4 June 2009 HB1 A
Armen Ze Sedmi Dvoru 201610575 Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 26 May 2016 HB1 A
Blizzard 0900050 MERRIE, 27 May 2009 HB1 B
Bubbles Star 1010301 Traditional Cob® HENGST, 11 June 2010 HB1 A
Buddy 0610268 HENGST, 10 May 2006 HB1 B
Cailin van de Tinkerboerderij 0910214 STER , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 17 April 2009 HB1 A Premie
Alice 201610557 Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 4 June 2016 HB1 A
DANTE ZE SEDMI DVORŮ 201710536 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 15 April 2017 HB1 A
Dex ze Sedmi Dvoru 201510382 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 20 April 2015 HB1 A
Dina van de Neerhoeve 0900003 2e Vpremie MERRIE, 13 April 2009 HB1 B
Dreamy van Irish Cob 201610455 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 6 May 2016 HB1 A
Ebonet 201310542 2e Crossbredpremie MERRIE, 24 July 2013 Crossbred
Falanga Faith from Violet 201910635 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 7 May 2019 HB1 A
Fantasy Sweet Dream 1010672 STER, WERK , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 20 July 2010 HB1 A Premie PSSM1:n/n
Fantasy Piece of Dream 201410583 Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 14 May 2014 HB1 A
Fantasy Alissa 201610210 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 23 May 2016 HB1 A
Fantasy Melissa 201510480 1e Premie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 17 May 2015 HB1 A PSSM1:n/n
Ferre 201210453 1e Vpremie HENGST, 2 May 2011 HB1 A
Fleur P. 201610445 2e Premie MERRIE, 20 June 2013 HB1 B
Freya 0910201 Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 21 April 2009 HB1 A
Gina 201510137 2e Partbredpremie MERRIE, 24 April 2015 Partbred
Isannah 201810626 Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 28 April 2018 HB1 A
Jekyll VS Vrbicky 201810569 2e Premie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 30 June 2018 HB1 A Premie
Mayfly Cobs Iconic Gossip 202310723 TRADITIONAL COB HENGST, 4 May 2023 HB1 B
Migo 202310208 HENGST, 22 April 2023 HB1 B
Moonlight Shadow 202310697 HENGST, 26 April 2023 HB1 B
Narancs 202310209 MERRIE, 23 April 2023 HB1 B
Zendit Carnelian 202410567 HENGST, 22 March 2024 HB1 B
Juanita van the Barley Farm 0710792 2e Premie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 18 May 2007 HB1 A Premie
Kyara van t Tinkerhof 0810295 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 19 April 2008 HB1 A
Lexi Ze Sedmi Dvoru 201610576 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 28 April 2016 HB1 A
Lord Guinness 0900005 2e Vpremie HENGST, 6 May 2009 HB1 B
Meadows Angie 090008 STER MERRIE, 19 April 2009 HB1 A Premie PSSM1:n/n
Anabel z Prekrásného udoli 201710592 Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 13 July 2017 HB1 A PSSM1:n/n
Meadows Arwyn 0710769 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 20 May 2007 HB1 A
Meadows Conroy 200710588 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 5 May 2007 HB1 A
Meadows Denver 0610361 2e Premie RUIN, 22 May 2006 HB1 B Premie PSSM1:n/n
Angel van Engelenburgh 1010163 HENGST, 9 May 2010 HB1 A
Bantry 0910518 HENGST, 1 June 2009 HB1 B
Melodies Aïsha 201110123 Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 25 April 2011 HB1 B
Melodies Cecilia 201310171 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 7 May 2013 HB1 A
Melodies Danny Boy 1010130 3e Vpremie HENGST, 17 April 2010 HB1 A
Melodies Dreamer 201310471 2e Premie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 10 August 2013 HB1 A PSSM1:n/P1
Melodies Eileen 200910456 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 7 June 2009 HB1 B
Duncan 201410409 HENGST, 14 June 2014 Partbred
Melodies Lady 201110124 2e Premie MERRIE, 26 April 2011 HB1 B Premie
Melodies Layla 201310169 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 28 March 2013 HB1 B
Melodies Lenny 201510194 Traditional Cob® HENGST, 17 April 2015 HB1 A
Melodies Magic 1010133 2e Vpremie HENGST, 8 April 2010 HB1 B
Melodies Mister Blue 201310170 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 3 May 2013 HB1 A
Melodies Peggy Sue 201210261 1e Premie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 3 May 2012 HB1 A Premie
Melodies Rainbow 201410359 1e Premie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 20 June 2014 HB1 A Premie PSSM1:n/n
Melodies Sunny 201410405 Traditional Cob® HENGST, 14 May 2014 HB1 A
Melodies Suzie 201510193 Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 11 June 2015 HB1 A
Melodies Thunder 201810609 Traditional Cob® HENGST, 2 July 2018 HB1 A PSSM1:n/n
Melodies Vincent 201110122 Traditional Cob® HENGST, 1 April 2011 HB1 A
Meadows Duke 0610476 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 22 June 2006 HB1 A
Meadows Dundee 0610269 1e Vpremie, veulenkampioen Eksel 2006 , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 16 May 2006 HB1 A
Meadows Eirnin 0710736 2e Premie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 20 June 2007 HB1 A
Meadows Éowyn 0810308 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 12 May 2008 HB1 A
KYRA- FROM HAMIVILLE- 201310512 1e Vpremie MERRIE, 12 March 2012 HB1 B
Meadows Iggy 0900058 STER , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 27 May 2009 HB1 A Premie
Meadows Kiley 0710599 1e Vpremie MERRIE, 9 May 2007 HB1 B
Meadows Mabel 0610076 2e Premie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 18 April 2006 HB1 A Premie
Meadows Maggie May 0710589 1e Premie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 22 April 2007 HB1 A
Meadows Melvyn 0810299 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 29 April 2008 HB1 A
Meadows Otis 0810558 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 5 July 2008 HB1 A
Ouzo van de Zorba Stal 0900051 2e Vpremie HENGST, 22 May 2009 HB1 B
Packo 0710580 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 24 April 2007 HB1 A
Poirot van Weremere 0810555 2e Premie , Traditional Cob® RUIN, 11 July 2008 HB1 Premie Ruinen
PRINC ZE SEDMI DVORŮ 201710537 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 4 April 2017 HB1 A
Rianna Misneach Rebecca 0710786 STER / 4xDagkampioen , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 22 June 2007 HB1 A Premie
Rix Ze Sedmi Dvoru 201610574 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 13 May 2016 HB1 A
Ruby 0810480 Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 7 June 2008 HB1 A
Sarah-Noa van Stal Zeven-Morgen 0810481 Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 3 May 2008 HB1 A
Taisha van Weremere 0910550 STER & Kamp. 2010, Rijproef , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 1 May 2009 HB1 A Premie PSSM1:n/P1
Theo du Pré à la Hutte 0910095 Traditional Cob® HENGST, 16 June 2008 HB1 A
Tinker Im Elsass Siobhan 0610111 1e Premie MERRIE, 20 April 2006 HB1 B Premie
Ugo Boss 0810406 HENGST, 28 May 2008 HB1 B
Whisky 201410538 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 22 April 2014 HB1 A
Milano Snorremans van Germania 201210059 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 19 April 2012 HB1 A
Pendragon Snorremans van Germania 201310074 Traditional Cob® HENGST, 1 April 2013 HB1 A
Stella Snorremans van Germania 1e Vpremie MERRIE, 22 April 2005 Basis
Taffy 0606106 STER HENGST, 20 May 2002 Basis Premie
Abigaël 0910736 MERRIE, 22 April 2008 HB1 B
Amy van de Nijhorst 201310082 MERRIE, 9 April 2013 HB1 B
Flynn van de Nijhorst 201210077 HENGST, 18 April 2012 HB1 B
Legends Lennister 202210215 1e Vpremie RUIN, 14 May 2022 HB1 B
Amydala 201310247 Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 12 June 2013 HB1 A
Ashanti van Stoeterij de Ierse Tinker 201110427 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 6 April 2011 HB1 A
BamBam van de Holtmaat 1010436 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 6 July 2010 HB1 A
Bastion 201510030 HENGST, 10 March 2015 HB1 B
Bindy v. Stoeterij de Ierse tinker 1010341 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 25 May 2010 HB1 A
Blanka 201610036 MERRIE, 4 March 2016 HB1 B
Bo of Willow Creek 1010565 MERRIE, 5 July 2010 HB1 A
Bokita 0710749 1e Premie + Dagkampioen MERRIE, 17 June 2007 HB1 B Premie
Deveny OShea 201110337 MERRIE, 5 May 2011 HB2 A
Morgana van The Romany Horses 201210410 MERRIE, 25 May 2012 HB1 A
Bokita van de Viersprong 0810469 2e Premie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 27 May 2008 HB1 A Premie PSSM1:n/n
Hunter van de Viersprong 202010177 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 25 June 2020 HB1 A
Montana vd Viersprong 202110545 Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 24 July 2021 HB1 A
Promising van de Viersprong 201810138 Traditional Cob® HENGST, 22 April 2018 HB1 A PSSM1:n/n
Bruno 0900073 HENGST, 30 May 2009 HB1 B
Charlène from Snowville 1010117 Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 28 April 2010 HB1 A
Davany Benz Junior v. Stoeterij de I.T. 1010339 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 30 March 2010 HB1 A
Deaglan ó Anam Cara 1010175 1e Premie , Traditional Cob® RUIN, 18 May 2010 HB1 Premie Ruinen
Delphine 0910738 STER MERRIE, 12 March 2006 Basis Premie
Dragon 201510475 HENGST, 13 July 2015 HB1 B
Edy van Stoeterij de Ierse Tinker 1010575 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 5 July 2010 HB1 A
Falk 201510053 HENGST, 28 March 2015 HB1 B
Fleur OMalley 1010440 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 27 June 2010 HB1 B
Indian Summer 201510124 Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 21 March 2015 HB1 A
Irish Coffee 1010105 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 10 May 2009 HB1 A
James Van t Tinkerhof 0810356 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 4 May 2008 HB1 A
Jessy 201610073 MERRIE, 12 April 2016 HB1 B
Joy van Stoeterij de Ierse Tinker 201110426 1e Premie + Beste Merrie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 29 April 2011 HB1 A
Duncan v. Stoeterij de Ierse Tinker 202010392 HENGST, 19 April 2020 HB1 A
Ivy v St. de Ierse Tinker 202210492 MERRIE, 31 May 2022 HB1 A
James van Stoeterij de Ierse Tinker 201610030 HENGST, 29 January 2015 HB2 B
Lynn van Stoeterij de Ierse Tinker 201910475 1e Vpremie MERRIE, 24 May 2018 HB2 B
Puk v St. de Ierse Tinker 202310695 HENGST, 22 May 2023 HB2 B
Owen v. St. de Ierse Tinker 202110568 Traditional Cob® HENGST, 1 May 2021 HB1 A
Katyosha 201510122 MERRIE, 22 April 2015 HB1 B
Kyma v. Stoeterij De Ierse Tinker 201210463 Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 10 June 2012 HB1 A
Kyran van t Tinkerhof 0710790 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 26 April 2007 HB1 A
Leon 201610064 HENGST, 29 March 2016 HB1 B
Logan van Stoeterij de Ierse Tinker 201310511 Traditional Cob® HENGST, 29 March 2013 HB1 A
Maroussia van de Viersprong 201110404 3e Premie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 9 July 2011 HB1 A Premie
Mookey van Irish Coloured Cob Peer 0810613 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 6 August 2008 HB1 A
Mr. Spiker 201610049 HENGST, 21 March 2016 HB1 B
Mylinns Moon 0910517 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 11 June 2009 HB1 A
Neasa van Stoeterij de Ierse Tinker 0910466 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 2 May 2009 HB1 A
Pebbles van de Holtmaat 0910432 1e Premie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 29 May 2009 HB1 A Premie
Peppers Chilli van de Rozenhof 0900145 3e Premie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 19 July 2009 HB1 A Premie
Raaffy v. Stoeterij De Ierse Tinker201210465 Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 30 April 2012 HB1 A
Revirescos Sophia L Soxx 202210137 STER & Dagkampioen MERRIE, 27 May 2008 Basis Premie
Rodney van Stoeterij de Ierse Tinker 201310514 Traditional Cob® HENGST, 3 June 2013 HB1 A
Summer 0710748 2e Premie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 22 June 2007 HB1 A Premie
Taffys Buffy van Stoeterij de Ierse Tinker 0810399 1e Premie, WERK , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 13 May 2008 HB1 A Premie
Taffys Joni van Stoeterij de Ierse Tinker 0810400 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 1 June 2008 HB1 A
Taffys Tom Boy van Stoeterij de Ierse Tinker 0810350 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 10 April 2008 HB1 A
Taira 201610019 Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 12 February 2016 HB1 A
Tania van de Viersprong 0810482 MERRIE, 2 June 2008 Crossbred
Teagan van de Ekkestein 0810506 Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 1 May 2008 HB1 A
The Horse Valleys Diablo 0810493 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 20 May 2008 HB1 A
Tikka 201610039 MERRIE, 20 January 2014 HB1 B
Vera 201510031 MERRIE, 12 March 2015 HB1 B
Zefir 201510335 HENGST, 10 September 2014 HB1 A
Gentle Mist 201110021 MERRIE, 1 January 2009 Basis
J-Lo van Stoeterij de Ierse Tinker 0710794 1e Vpremie MERRIE, 26 March 2007 HB1 B
Jamie 201310349 STER PREFERENT MERRIE, 1 January 2000 Basis Premie PSSM1:n/n
Siofras Lilith 201710217 1e Premie MERRIE, 23 April 2017 HB1 A Premie PSSM1:n/n
Siofras Hydra 202410255 TRADITIONAL COB HENGST, 17 May 2023 HB1 A PSSM1:n/n
Siofras Nala 201510488 STER , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 22 August 2015 HB1 A Premie PSSM1:n/n
Siofras Darla 202110145 1e Premie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 24 May 2020 HB1 A Premie PSSM1:n/n
SIOFRAS DUDLEY 202210016 HENGST, 10 June 2021 HB2 A
Siofras Zeus 202410254 TRADITIONAL COB HENGST, 21 June 2023 HB1 A PSSM1:n/n
Siofras Slush 201310627 2e Premie HENGST, 19 August 2013 HB2 A Premie PSSM1:n/n
Siofras Ti-Ti-Uu 201410648 STER , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 29 August 2014 HB1 A Premie PSSM1:n/n
Hooked On KaikkiMitäTartten 202310012 TRADITIONAL COB HENGST, 9 June 2022 HB1 A PSSM1:n/n
Hooked on Lempee Täynnä 202010454 1e Premie HENGST, 20 June 2020 HB1 A Premie PSSM1:n/n
Hooked On Hellästi Koskettaa 202410294 1e Vpremie , TRADITIONAL COB MERRIE, 5 April 2024 HB1 A PSSM1:n/n
Hooked On Valo Mun Polulla 202410054 TRADITIONAL COB MERRIE, 10 May 2023 HB1 A PSSM1:n/n
Lyla van Stoeterij de Ierse Tinker 0710795 1e Vpremie MERRIE, 17 May 2007 HB1 A
Midgets Blue Boy van Irish Coloured Cob Peer 0611229 1e Premie HENGST, 1 January 2002 Basis Premie
Aidynn 0810251 2e Premie + PREFERENT , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 15 March 2008 HB1 A Premie PSSM1:n/n
Easter 201110188 Traditional Cob® HENGST, 22 April 2011 HB1 A
Fantasy Adele 201410585 2e Premie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 13 May 2014 HB1 A Premie PSSM1:n/n
Fantasy Piece of Dream 201410583 Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 14 May 2014 HB1 A
Fantasy Tin Tin 201110451 Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 6 June 2011 HB1 A
Pökkelin Phantom 201610189 1e Premie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 7 May 2014 HB1 A Premie PSSM1:n/n
Siofras Flit 201210400 1e Premie RUIN, 25 June 2012 HB1 B Premie PSSM1:n/n
Siofras Little My 201410649 MERRIE, 3 June 2014 HB1 B PSSM1:n/n
Siofras Nakoma 201210398 MERRIE, 10 May 2012 HB1 B PSSM1:n/n
Siofras Pocahontas 201210403 1e Premie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 26 June 2012 HB1 A Premie PSSM1:n/n
Siofras Sniff 201410498 1e Premie + dagkampioen RUIN, 5 May 2014 HB1 B
Star Skys Magic Dable 202210083 1e Premie MERRIE, 7 May 2014 HB1 B Premie
Banjas Otto 0810757 HENGST, 11 June 2008 HB1 B
Nydals Blue Teagan 0810751 Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 30 June 2008 HB1 A PSSM1:n/n
SD Simply The Best 201610568 MERRIE, 1 January 2009 Basis
SD Magners 201610357 1e Premie HENGST, 1 January 2012 HB1 B Premie PSSM1:n/n
Archibald of Irahanny 201710585 Traditional Cob® HENGST, 3 May 2017 HB1 A
Godrik Vrbicky IV 201910314 Traditional Cob® HENGST, 15 April 2018 HB1 A
Ponpon Se Sedmi Dvoru 202410122 2e Premie , TRADITIONAL COB HENGST, 15 December 2019 HB1 A Premie PSSM1:n/n FIS:n/n
Tiffany 202110467 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 1 May 2021 HB1 A
Top Star Vrbická V 202010009 MERRIE, 14 May 2019 HB1 A PSSM1:n/n
The Horse Valleys Miles 0810866 STER HENGST, 1 July 2005 HB2 B Premie
Brave Pirate van de Tinkerboerderij 1010157 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 6 May 2010 HB1 A
Dayna 0910797 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 19 May 2008 HB1 A
Lucky 202310586 MERRIE, 22 March 2023 Partbred HB1 B
Miley 201310156 1e Vpremie MERRIE, 30 April 2013 HB1 A
The Horse Valleys Desty 1010570 MERRIE, 4 May 2010 HB1 B
The Horse Valleys Blaze 201710358 MERRIE, 1 June 2017 HB1 B
The Horse Valleys Gentle 1010569 Traditional Cob® HENGST, 16 March 2010 HB1 A
The Horse Valleys Logan 0910418 1e Vpremie MERRIE, 21 May 2009 HB1 A
The Horse Valleys MacKenzie 201110215 HENGST, 3 May 2011 HB1 A
The Horse Valleys Milan 1010571 HENGST, 25 April 2010 HB1 A
Indira 202310705 MERRIE, 29 March 2022 HB2 B
Spirit 201910013 HENGST, 29 May 2018 HB2 B
The Horse Valleys Nacho 201210282 HENGST, 1 May 2012 HB1 B
The Horse Valleys Shelby 201110099 STER , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 13 March 2011 HB1 A Premie
Dorie von Wölpe 201710415 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 16 April 2017 HB1 A
Eleanor von Wölpe 201610119 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 17 April 2016 HB1 A
Heartys Royal Kizz 202110552 x Quarterhorse HENGST, 28 March 2021 Basis Partbred PSSM1:n/n
Nils von Wölpe 201510098 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 4 April 2015 HB1 A
The Horse Valleys Tender 201110439 HENGST, 31 May 2011 HB1 B
Tossy Go-Go STER, PREFERENT en Beste Vijfjarige 2007 HENGST, 1 January 2002 HB1 A Premie
April 201110140 Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 28 April 2011 HB1 A
April Go-Go 0810280 1e Premie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 20 April 2008 HB1 A Premie
Banjer Go-Go 0710470 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 16 April 2007 HB1 A
Billy van de Stalvrienden 201310337 HENGST, 23 June 2013 HB1 B
Bindy van de Langendijk 0710595 2e Premie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 10 May 2007 HB1 A Premie
Aibreann van de Langendijk 1010140 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 25 April 2010 HB1 A
Braiden 201110205 Traditional Cob® HENGST, 2 May 2011 HB1 A
Black Jerry Go-Go 2e Premie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 8 June 2006 HB1 A Premie
Blue Diamond Go-Go 0810285 3e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 27 March 2008 HB1 A
Bradley Go-Go 0910223 Traditional Cob® HENGST, 12 March 2009 HB1 A
Butterfly 0810683 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 18 April 2008 HB1 A
Caitlyn 0508314 1e Premie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 19 June 2005 HB1 A
Lynn 201210292 MERRIE, 17 April 2012 HB1 B
Cariño van Twinkel 0810549 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 9 July 2008 HB1 A
Kayleigh vd Middenschans 201210276 Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 20 June 2012 HB1 B
Rodane Orville OBritain 202110008 2e Premie RUIN, 26 June 2016 HB2 B Premie PSSM1:n/n
Black Jaidy 202210146 2e Premie , TRADITIONAL COB MERRIE, 28 May 2022 HB1 A Premie
Veldhoeves Briana 202110262 1e Vpremie + Dagkampioen , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 10 May 2021 HB1 A
Veldhoeves Ryan 202210150 1e Vpremie , TRADITIONAL COB HENGST, 9 March 2022 HB1 A
Carissa 1010116 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 20 April 2010 HB1 A
Casper 0910209 Traditional Cob® HENGST, 23 April 2009 HB1 A
Channa van de Hertoghoeve 0810468 2e Premie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 16 March 2008 HB1 A Premie
Dandy Go-Go 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 7 May 2006 HB1 A
Dave Go-Go 0810281 2e Vpremie HENGST, 2 May 2008 HB2 B
Debby van de Leendershof 0710880 MERRIE, 18 May 2007 HB1 B
Donder Go-Go 200910446 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 11 June 2009 HB1 A
Dusty Go-Go 0710575 STER , Traditional Cob® RUIN, 2 May 2007 HB1 A Premie, P1/ PSSM1:P1/P1
Dropshot Go-Go 201410235 Traditional Cob® HENGST, 23 March 2014 HB1 A
Dylano Go-Go 1010203 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 23 April 2010 HB1 A
Lacey Go-Go 201210060 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 4 March 2012 HB1 A
Lakie 201810295 HENGST, 12 April 2018 HB1 B
Lars 202010142 HENGST, 3 June 2020 HB1 B
Loet 202310080 HENGST, 11 March 2023 HB1 B
Lola 201910509 MERRIE, 6 July 2019 HB1 B
Lucy 202110240 MERRIE, 14 May 2021 HB1 B
Luuk 202410564 HENGST, 8 July 2024 HB1 B
Lester Go-Go 201110136 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 4 April 2011 HB1 A
Lisa 201110347 1e Vpremie MERRIE, 24 June 2011 Crossbred
Lydia Go-Go 201110133 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 19 April 2011 HB1 A
Rosita 201510019 Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 26 February 2015 HB1 A
Sem Go-Go 201310244 Traditional Cob® HENGST, 9 May 2013 HB1 A
Snicker Go-Go 201310242 Traditional Cob® HENGST, 5 April 2013 HB1 A
Troyes Go-Go 201210080 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 25 April 2012 HB1 A
Whizard Go-Go 201110134 Traditional Cob® HENGST, 19 April 2011 HB1 A
Duvessa van Kylemore Stable 0910916 2e Premie MERRIE, 25 June 2009 HB1 A Premie
Elvira Go-Go 1010204 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 27 April 2010 HB1 A
Ethan 0810255 Traditional Cob® HENGST, 26 April 2008 HB1 A
Evita van t Twinkel 1010131 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 18 April 2010 HB1 A
Fantasy Romeo 0711412 2e Premie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 4 August 2007 HB1 A
Frans Go-Go 0810283 HENGST, 22 March 2008 Crossbred
Fristi Go-Go 2e Vpremie HENGST, 2 May 2006 Crossbred
Gabber 0810512 Traditional Cob® RUIN, 29 June 2008 HB1 Ruinen
Gina van de Flierenberg 0610578 2e Vpremie MERRIE, 28 April 2006 Crossbred
Gracey Presley Go-Go 0710454 2e Vpremie MERRIE, 18 April 2007 HB1 A
Hans van de Hertoghoeve 0810256 Traditional Cob® HENGST, 2 May 2008 HB1 A
Henriette Hoeves Aisling 0710316 Traditional Cob® HENGST, 22 March 2007 HB1 A
Hilke Go-Go 0910445 2e Vpremie HENGST, 14 May 2009 HB1 A
Huubke van de Leendershof HENGST, 29 May 2005 Basis
Jersey Go-Go 0810287 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 12 April 2008 HB1 A
Jess Go-Go 0910235 MERRIE, 1 March 2009 Crossbred
Jessica Go-Go 0810275 STER , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 6 May 2008 HB1 A Premie
Jitske Go-Go 201310240 Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 15 May 2013 HB1 A
Jessie Go-Go STER, Werk , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 28 February 2006 HB1 A Premie
Bianca of Paradise 201810145 Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 13 April 2017 HB1 A
Black Jack of Paradise 201810623 Traditional Cob® RUIN, 4 May 2018 HB1 A
Destinys Malloy 1010068 HENGST, 4 April 2010 HB1 B
Jackie of Paradise 201910695 Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 15 April 2019 HB1 A
Jasmine of the Paradise 201410540 STER , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 24 May 2014 HB1 A Premie
Joann of the Paradise 201210355 2e Premie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 13 April 2012 HB1 A Premie
Josephine of the Paradise 201510399 Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 19 May 2015 HB1 A
Sean of the Paradise 201110641 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 11 April 2011 HB1 A
Jolly Pepper Braveheart 1010328 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 29 June 2010 HB1 A
Joydy Go-Go 201110473 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 10 July 2011 HB1 A PSSM1:n/n
Brent Go-Go 202110483 HENGST, 25 April 2021 HB1 B PSSM1:n/n
Bullit Go-Go 201610154 HENGST, 3 June 2016 HB1 B
Jayci Go-Go 201910446 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 14 May 2019 HB1 B
Mac Go-Go 202210478 HENGST, 25 September 2022 HB1 B PSSM1:n/n
Kaschas Kai 0910366 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 14 April 2009 HB1 B
Leander 0710592 Traditional Cob® HENGST, 4 May 2007 HB1 A
Lente Go-Go 0910227 1e Premie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 22 March 2009 HB1 A Premie
Leyla 201310100 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 14 April 2013 HB1 A
Liesje van t Gevlocht 201110172 MERRIE, 25 April 2011 HB1 B
Linda 0610376 3e Premie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 24 May 2006 HB1 A Premie
Foekje 0910826 MERRIE, 14 May 2009 HB1 A
Wonder 1010310 HENGST, 17 May 2010 HB1 A
Lindsey Go-Go STER , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 22 April 2006 HB1 A Premie PSSM1:n/n
Beauty Go-Go 201810195 STER & Dagkampioen + Ned. Kampioen 2023 , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 21 May 2018 HB1 A Premie PSSM1:n/n
Karsten van de Langendijk 202210158 HENGST, 4 June 2022 HB1 B PSSM1:n/n
R.P. Leon vd Langendijk 202410123 TRADITIONAL COB HENGST, 9 April 2024 HB1 A PSSM1:n/n
Dyano Go-Go 201510140 Traditional Cob® HENGST, 5 May 2015 HB1 A
Elay Go-Go 202110485 Traditional Cob® HENGST, 26 April 2021 HB1 A PSSM1:n/n
Flynn Go-Go 201210063 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 9 April 2012 HB1 A
Joy Go-Go 0910228 STER , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 4 April 2009 HB1 A Premie PSSM1:n/n
Fifty Shades of Bay from R.P.R. 201810107 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 26 February 2018 HB1 A PSSM1:n/n
Jay Go-Go 201410232 Traditional Cob® HENGST, 16 April 2014 HB1 A
Surprise Rock Pointe Ranch 201710024 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 28 April 2016 HB1 A
Levi Go-Go 201710198 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® RUIN, 3 May 2017 HB1 A PSSM1:n/n
Lisanne Go-Go 201110132 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 17 April 2011 HB1 A
Loven Go-Go 202310223 TRADITIONAL COB MERRIE, 20 April 2023 HB1 A PSSM1:n/n
Lynno Go-Go 1010197 Traditional Cob® HENGST, 16 April 2010 HB1 A
Rocksey Go-Go 201410233 Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 17 April 2014 HB1 A PSSM1:n/n
Twix Go-Go 201610130 Traditional Cob® HENGST, 17 May 2016 HB1 A
Yara Go-Go 202210140 TRADITIONAL COB MERRIE, 15 April 2022 HB1 A PSSM1:n/n
Zeus SHS Go-Go 2010109 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 20 April 2020 HB1 A
Lisa van de Leendershof MERRIE, 15 May 2006 HB1 B
Luna van de Heihoeve 201110053 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 22 February 2011 HB1 A
Marka 0508099 Traditional Cob® RUIN, 29 March 2005 HB1 A
Mascha Go-Go 0610063 3e Premie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 27 March 2006 HB1 A Premie
Mavourneen Desmond 0910472 2e Premie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 8 May 2009 HB1 A Premie
Mercredi Go-Go 0910222 HENGST, 11 February 2009 Crossbred
Michael Go-Go 0910689 Traditional Cob® HENGST, 6 July 2009 HB1 A
Goldstar des Trois Couronnes 202310639 MERRIE, 30 September 2013 HB2 B
Enchants Vaiana 202310635 TRADITIONAL COB MERRIE, 27 May 2023 Basis
Mitch Go-Go 201110138 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 1 April 2011 HB1 A
Mitzy Go-Go 1010202 3e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 15 April 2010 HB1 A
Nicky Go-Go 0710450 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 3 April 2007 HB1 A
Paco Go-Go 1010490 HENGST, 14 March 2010 Crossbred
Pato van Oort 1010209 Traditional Cob® HENGST, 11 May 2010 HB1 A
Peppermint Betty von Steenwart-Hof 201110308 2e Vpremie MERRIE, 3 June 2011 HB1 A
Priscilla Go-Go 0710451 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 3 April 2007 HB1 A
Romi Go-Go 0910406 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 11 May 2009 HB1 A
Roses Edmund 201210533 Traditional Cob® HENGST, 16 April 2012 HB1 A
Ryan Go-Go 1010193 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 17 May 2010 HB1 A
Samantha Go-Go 1010196 3e Vpremie MERRIE, 22 April 2010 HB1 B
Samedi Go-Go 0810284 MERRIE, 24 February 2008 Crossbred
Sil Go-Go 1010414 HENGST, 8 May 2010 HB1 A
Sir Ziggy Nikai 0610251 2e Premie & Werkproef HENGST, 17 May 2006 HB1 A Premie PSSM1:n/P1
Fien 201710156 1e Vpremie MERRIE, 20 April 2017 HB1 B
Pebbles v Stal Mystique Blue 201710154 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 24 April 2017 HB1 A PSSM1:n/n
Shelby Main van ons Plekske 201810235 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 21 April 2018 HB1 A
Sir Nikos van ons Plekske 201810234 1e Vpremie HENGST, 4 June 2018 HB1 B
Sir Ziggy Tomini 201310154 HENGST, 20 May 2013 HB1 B
Sjors 0710831 HENGST, 17 April 2007 Crossbred
Snowy Go-Go 0810273 3e Premie MERRIE, 26 April 2008 HB2 B Premie
Spirit van Kylemore Stable 0910254 2e Vpremie HENGST, 19 April 2009 HB1 B
Stijn Go-Go 0810277 Traditional Cob® HENGST, 7 May 2008 HB1 A
Tine van Tinkerstal Foubert 2e Vpremie MERRIE, 9 May 2006 HB1 B
Troy S van de Kattestee 200508206 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 6 June 2005 HB1 A
Unique 200910941 MERRIE, 13 October 2009 HB1 B
Veera van der Sluis MERRIE, 23 May 2006 Crossbred
Zohra 0910444 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 3 June 2009 HB1 A
Welsh Warrior 0910178 1e Premie RUIN, 1 January 2006 HB2 B Premie
Eurwyn Crossland Horses 201710273 1e Premie & Werkproef RUIN, 14 June 2014 HB1 B Premie
Holms Cherie of Welsh Warrior 201110727 1e Premie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 4 May 2011 HB1 A Premie PSSM1:n/n
Jema Crossland Horses 201510144 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 24 May 2015 HB1 A
Kallen Crossland Horses 201510164 Traditional Cob® HENGST, 8 June 2015 HB1 A
Karla Kløverknuser 1010719 Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 1 May 2010 HB1 A
Lindes Wilexo 201510237 HENGST, 20 May 2015 HB1 B
Lindes Wilzon 201510240 Traditional Cob® HENGST, 24 July 2013 HB1 A
Nuallian Crossland Horses 201710178 1e Vpremie HENGST, 12 April 2017 HB1 B Premie
Hisolda Crossland Horses 202010195 1e Premie MERRIE, 17 April 2020 HB2 A Premie
Padraigin Crossland Horses 202110490 MERRIE, 18 May 2021 HB2 B
Nydals Midnight Star 201310582 Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 24 May 2013 HB1 A
Quinlan Crossland Horses 201710199 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 9 May 2017 HB1 A
Stald Gipsys Mc Culloch 201510276 RUIN, 16 April 2011 HB1 B
Stald Gipsys Morning Star 201510082 2e Premie MERRIE, 1 June 2010 HB1 B Premie
WF Princess 201610440 MERRIE, 1 January 2008 Basis
Firecracker 201310400 STER, Kampioen 2019 HENGST, 19 May 2010 Basis Premie PSSM1:n/n FIS:n/n
Classicstyle Robin Hood 202310707 TRADITIONAL COB HENGST, 5 June 2023 HB1 A PSSM1:n/n
Conlan SHS 202110073 Traditional Cob® HENGST, 14 March 2021 HB1 A PSSM1:n/n
Dowan SHS 202110209 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 21 May 2021 HB1 A PSSM1:n/n
Duncan SHS 202210180 TRADITIONAL COB HENGST, 13 May 2022 HB1 A PSSM1:n/n
Elay Go-Go 202110485 Traditional Cob® HENGST, 26 April 2021 HB1 A PSSM1:n/n
Faelan SHS 202210179 1e Vpremie , TRADITIONAL COB HENGST, 12 April 2022 HB1 A PSSM1:n/n
Firecrackers Bumblebee 202010065 Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 9 May 2019 HB1 A
Firecrackers Fearghuis 201610380 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 21 May 2016 HB1 A
Firecrackers Jack 201610379 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 29 April 2016 HB1 A
Firecrackers Maroon 202010064 Traditional Cob® HENGST, 5 May 2019 HB1 A
Golden Rocket 201410564 Traditional Cob® HENGST, 28 July 2014 HB1 A PSSM1:n/n
Gypsy Pride Rainbow Dash 202310104 1e Vpremie , TRADITIONAL COB MERRIE, 9 April 2023 HB1 A
JACK SPARROW VD MOERSHOOFDE 202110647 Traditional Cob® HENGST, 3 April 2021 HB1 A PSSM1:n/n
Jacks Willam of S.S.C 202410587 HENGST, 29 July 2024 Basis
Silvers Flash of S.S.C 202410584 HENGST, 21 June 2024 HB2 B
Smart Brownie of S.S.C 202410586 HENGST, 7 July 2024 Basis
Karsten van de Langendijk 202210158 HENGST, 4 June 2022 HB1 B PSSM1:n/n
Quin SHS 202110111 Traditional Cob® HENGST, 11 April 2021 HB1 A PSSM1:n/n
R.P. Leon vd Langendijk 202410123 TRADITIONAL COB HENGST, 9 April 2024 HB1 A PSSM1:n/n
SBMs Fionn on Fire 202310235 1e Vpremie , TRADITIONAL COB HENGST, 12 April 2023 HB1 A PSSM1:n/n
Shadow van de Langendijk 202210157 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 2 June 2022 HB1 A PSSM1:n/n
Waldo SHS 202110210 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 1 May 2021 HB1 A PSSM1:n/n
Zeus SHS Go-Go 2010109 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 20 April 2020 HB1 A