Afstammelingen van:
  Tina Turner 0810652
1e Premie (MERRIE) geb: 1 January 2005, Basis Premie
Bettie 1010510 STER , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 15 April 2010 HB1 A Premie
Benjamin of the Meadow Hill 201610466 1e Premie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 29 May 2015 HB1 A Premie PSSM1:n/n
Darko van Irish Cob Holland 201110313 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 2 April 2011 HB1 A
Warre 1010011 HENGST, 1 May 2009 HB1 A
Chloë 201210471 1e Premie + Riding Test MERRIE, 18 April 2012 HB2 B
Fay of the Paradise 201210327 2e Premie MERRIE, 2 March 2012 HB2 B Premie
Mira 201310377 MERRIE, 1 July 2013 HB2 A
Nessa of the Paradise 201210468 2e Vpremie MERRIE, 8 May 2012 HB2 A
Pond Angelina 201910643 1e Premie MERRIE, 9 May 2016 HB1 B Premie
Rozas 201210470 STER MERRIE, 10 May 2012 HB2 B Premie