Afstammelingen van:
 Moster F N.R.0810722
(MERRIE) geb: ,
Lindholms Faetter Guf 0810722 STER HENGST, 1 January 2004 Basis Premie PSSM1:n/P1
Claudemirs Annabell 201410428 2e Premie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 1 May 2014 HB1 A Premie PSSM1:n/n
Claudemirs Most White Sigrid 201510089 1e Premie MERRIE, 20 June 2014 Basis Premie PSSM1:n/P1
Havens Mille 201210084 2e Premie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 10 May 2009 HB1 A Premie
Lenders Cailin an Alainn 201710554 STER MERRIE, 10 May 2012 HB1 B Premie
Stald Dalbys Spotlight 202410352 1e Vpremie , TRADITIONAL COB HENGST, 29 April 2024 HB1 A PSSM1:n/n
Lenders Miss Amy 201210373 MERRIE, 24 April 2012 HB1 B
ODonovan of Loughlin 201110142 2e Vpremie HENGST, 22 July 2010 Basis
Kijofregs Ontario 201810061 1e Premie RUIN, 25 April 2015 Basis Premie
Lenders Fenna of Clan Loughlin 201710559 2e Premie MERRIE, 18 October 2013 HB2 B Premie
Stald Dalby-s Jema 201810452 2e Premie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 19 April 2018 HB1 A Premie
Stald Dalby-s Silver Mira 202010236 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® MERRIE, 2 May 2020 HB1 A
Stald Dalby-s Silver Pegasus 202110431 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 6 May 2021 HB1 A
Stald Dalby-s Silver Rubina 202210399 1e Vpremie , TRADITIONAL COB MERRIE, 6 May 2022 HB1 A
Stald Dalbys Gaston 202310471 2e Vpremie , TRADITIONAL COB HENGST, 25 April 2023 HB1 A PSSM1:n/n
Stald Dalbys Mr. Cody 201910520 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HENGST, 13 May 2019 HB1 A
Lærkegaardens Ronan ORiagain 201710152 2e Vpremie HENGST, 3 March 2015 HB2 B PSSM1:n/n
Harmonys Andrea 202110441 2e Vpremie MERRIE, 31 July 2020 HB2 B
Team Hammers Sir Amadeus 202210044 HENGST, 26 March 2022 HB2 B PSSM1:n/n
Stald Dalbys Irish Beauty 201710551 1e Premie MERRIE, 14 April 2013 HB1 A Premie
Stald Dalbys Tyrone 201910097 2e Vpremie HENGST, 20 April 2017 HB2 A
VS Miss Black N White Alvilda 201410653- 1e Premie MERRIE, 10 July 2014 HB1 B