Afkom af:
 Flash of Gold FGI001248S
ITS Faruq 201110144 1e Premie VALLAK, 16 May 2010 HB1 Premie Ruinen PSSM1:n/n
Abildgaards Fallulah 201310386 HOPPE, 13 June 2013 HB2 B
Abildgaards Q Latifah 201410646 HOPPE, 1 May 2014 HB2 B
Bisgaards Golden Blossom 201310601 HOPPE, 1 August 2013 HB1 A
Fantasy Desert Rain 201510482 2e Premie HOPPE, 3 July 2015 HB2 B PSSM1:n/n
Fantasy Chocolate Dream 202110019 HOPPE, 10 July 2020 HB1 A PSSM1:n/n
Fantasy Ferrari 201510461 HINGST, 5 April 2015 HB2 B PSSM1:n/n
Fantasy Lily 201510479 2e Premie HOPPE, 22 March 2015 HB2 A Premie PSSM1:n/n
Fantasy Miracle 201410584 HOPPE, 18 April 2014 HB2 B
Golden Storm Of Romany Vanner 201710105 1e Premie HINGST, 14 May 2013 HB1 A Premie PSSM1:n/n
Blue Shadow 201810476 HOPPE, 14 May 2018 HB1 B
Pretty Mare of Romany Vanner 201910011 HOPPE, 2 June 2018 HB1 A PSSM1:n/n
Sak Hagrid Of Romany Vanner 201910170 HINGST, 14 June 2018 HB1 A