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 The Follow Me Mare
Cadburys AKA The Chocolat Colt 201710013 HINGST, 17 May 2009 Basis Premie
Lanni Crossland horses 201610273 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HOPPE, 24 May 2016 HB1 A
Peanut Colt 201610311 1e Premie VALLAK, 1 May 2010 Basis Premie
Fionnuala Crossland Horses 201410506 STER HOPPE, 2 July 2014 HB1 A Premie
Hisolda Crossland Horses 202010195 1e Premie HOPPE, 17 April 2020 HB2 A Premie
Whelan Crossland Horses 201810256 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HINGST, 27 May 2018 HB1 A
Heddwyn Crossland horses 201510235 1e Vpremie HINGST, 10 April 2015 HB1 A PSSM1:n/n
Xantara Crossland Horses 201910323 1e Vpremie HOPPE, 10 April 2019 HB2 A
Keez Noble Nozem van -t Wolvenest 201610403 1e Vpremie HINGST, 29 May 2016 Basis
Malvin Crossland Horses 201610282 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® HINGST, 22 May 2016 HB1 A
Padraigh Crossland Horses 201710175 2e Vpremie HINGST, 27 April 2017 HB1 B
Finrir von Moorstable 202110276 HINGST, 22 April 2021 HB2 A
Rosheen Crossland Horses 201710335 1e Vpremie HOPPE, 30 June 2017 HB1 A