Afkom af:
 Son of The Governor
Gentle Magic 201110029 1e Vpremie HOPPE, 1 January 2010 Basis
Amigo 201710566 2e Premie HINGST, 31 March 2017 HB1 B Premie
Megs Coronado 202010138 2e Partbredpremie HINGST, 12 May 2020 Partbred
MEGs Elia 202310430 1e Vpremie Partbred HINGST, 17 May 2023 Partbred HB1 B
MEGs Luna 202310428 1e Vpremie , TRADITIONAL COB HOPPE, 2 May 2023 HB1 A
MEGs Malou 202210223 1e Vpremie HOPPE, 21 April 2022 Partbred HB1 B
Megs Red Cloud 202010139 2e Vpremie HINGST, 22 March 2020 HB1 A
Gentle Calm after the Storm 201410255 HOPPE, 11 May 2014 HB1 B PSSM1:n/n
Sunshine 201910330 HOPPE, 7 May 2019 HB2 A PSSM1:n/n
Ticket to the Tropics 201510188 1e Vpremie HINGST, 30 June 2015 HB1 B