Geschwister von:
Maroussia van de Viersprong 201110404 3e Premie , Traditional Cob®
(STUTE) 9 July 2011, HB1 A Premie,
Vater |
Taffy 0606106 STER (HENGST) 20 May 2002
Mutter |
Hera v.d. Viersprong 0201416 STER (STUTE) 1 January 1998 PSSM1:n/n
Volle Geschwister |
Gleiche Mutter 1 |
Mr.DocEinstein van de Viersprong rejected (HENGST) 20 April 2006
Fohlen |
Miss Mai-Tai van de Viersprong 0910410 2e Premie (STUTE) 20 May 2009
Fenna van de Viersprong 1010219 2e Premie (STUTE) 20 May 2010
Gleiche vater 1 |
A Girl Named Gipsy 0810235 1e Premie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 14 August 2004
Fohlen |
Indian Summer 201510124 Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 21 March 2015
Gleiche vater 2 |
Amerigo Cookie Bars -Quarter (STUTE)
Fohlen |
Tania van de Viersprong 0810482 (STUTE) 2 June 2008
Gleiche vater 3 |
Angel of Wundering Heights 201510474 (STUTE) 1 January 2005
Fohlen |
Tikka 201610039 (STUTE) 20 January 2014
Dragon 201510475 (HENGST) 13 July 2015
Gleiche vater 4 |
Arnica van Vredenheim 201510416 (STUTE) 26 April 2008
Fohlen |
Bastion 201510030 (HENGST) 10 March 2015
Gleiche vater 5 |
Babs 0711119 1e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 2001
Fohlen |
Taffys Buffy van Stoeterij de Ierse Tinker 0810399 1e Premie, WERK , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 13 May 2008
Gleiche vater 6 |
Bumper van de Viersprong 0303316 2e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 1996
Fohlen |
Bokita van de Viersprong 0810469 2e Premie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 27 May 2008 PSSM1:n/n
Gleiche vater 7 |
Cassy 0303072 2e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 2000
Fohlen |
James Van t Tinkerhof 0810356 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 4 May 2008
Gleiche vater 8 |
Chayenne 0610360 2e Premie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 10 May 2006
Fohlen |
Charlène from Snowville 1010117 Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 28 April 2010
Gleiche vater 9 |
Cloe van de Gorterstraat 0710962 (STUTE) 1 January 2002
Fohlen |
Bokita 0710749 1e Premie + Dagkampioen (STUTE) 17 June 2007
Gleiche vater 10 |
Darcy van Stoeterij de Ierse Tinker (STUTE) 1 January 1999
Fohlen |
Abigaël 0910736 (STUTE) 22 April 2008
Gleiche vater 11 |
Echo 201610198 (STUTE) 17 June 2007
Fohlen |
Blanka 201610036 (STUTE) 4 March 2016
Gleiche vater 12 |
Irish Molly van Stoeterij de Ierse Tinker 0710089 STER en Dagkampioen 2007 (STUTE) 1 January 2000
Fohlen |
Taffys Tom Boy van Stoeterij de Ierse Tinker 0810350 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 10 April 2008
Gleiche vater 13 |
Jalo 201610074 (STUTE) 1 January 2007
Fohlen |
Jessy 201610073 (STUTE) 12 April 2016
Gleiche vater 14 |
Jalo N.R. (STUTE)
Fohlen |
Falk 201510053 (HENGST) 28 March 2015
Gleiche vater 15 |
Jane van Stoeterij de Ierse Tinker 0611166 STER en Dagkampioen (STUTE) 1 January 2005
Fohlen |
Deaglan ó Anam Cara 1010175 1e Premie , Traditional Cob® (WALLACH) 18 May 2010
Gleiche vater 16 |
Jerba van Stoeterij de Ierse Tinker STER (STUTE) 1 January 2001
Fohlen |
Neasa van Stoeterij de Ierse Tinker 0910466 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 2 May 2009
Joy van Stoeterij de Ierse Tinker 201110426 1e Premie + Beste Merrie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 29 April 2011
Gleiche vater 17 |
Jewel van de Bergh 200610493 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 19 June 2006
Fohlen |
Zefir 201510335 (HENGST) 10 September 2014
Gleiche vater 18 |
June van Ekkestein 0711206 2e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 2002
Fohlen |
Teagan van de Ekkestein 0810506 Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 1 May 2008
Gleiche vater 19 |
Kaya 201510121 (STUTE) 1 January 2005
Fohlen |
Katyosha 201510122 (STUTE) 22 April 2015
Gleiche vater 20 |
Kelly 1010104 1e Premie (STUTE) 1 May 2004
Fohlen |
Irish Coffee 1010105 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 10 May 2009
Gleiche vater 21 |
Kira van de Bergh 0710582 2e Premie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 11 April 2007
Fohlen |
Taira 201610019 Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 12 February 2016
Gleiche vater 22 |
Lady Kendra of the Owlish Fortress STER , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 13 May 2005 PSSM1:n/n
Fohlen |
Pebbles van de Holtmaat 0910432 1e Premie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 29 May 2009
BamBam van de Holtmaat 1010436 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 6 July 2010
Gleiche vater 23 |
Lady Naïma v. Stoeterij de Ierse Tinker 1010335 STER + Dagk , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 29 April 2006
Fohlen |
Ashanti van Stoeterij de Ierse Tinker 201110427 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 6 April 2011
Gleiche vater 24 |
Liana 0810615 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 9 June 2008
Fohlen |
Leon 201610064 (HENGST) 29 March 2016
Gleiche vater 25 |
Liona van Stoeterij de Ierse Tinker 0611165 STER (STUTE) 1 January 2001
Fohlen |
Bindy v. Stoeterij de Ierse tinker 1010341 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 25 May 2010
Logan van Stoeterij de Ierse Tinker 201310511 Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 29 March 2013
Gleiche vater 26 |
Loretta Soxx van de Bonte Parels 528021000004172 --NSvT- (STUTE)
Fohlen |
Revirescos Sophia L Soxx 202210137 STER & Dagkampioen (STUTE) 27 May 2008
Gleiche vater 27 |
Lynn N.R. (STUTE)
Fohlen |
Delphine 0910738 STER (STUTE) 12 March 2006
Gleiche vater 28 |
Mariënhofs Gipsys Summer Girl 201110600- (STUTE) 10 May 2011
Fohlen |
Mr. Spiker 201610049 (HENGST) 21 March 2016
Gleiche vater 29 |
Melodies Lisa 201510415 (STUTE) 17 May 2008
Fohlen |
Vera 201510031 (STUTE) 12 March 2015
Gleiche vater 30 |
Pepper 0810755 2e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 1999
Fohlen |
Peppers Chilli van de Rozenhof 0900145 3e Premie , Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 19 July 2009
Gleiche vater 31 |
Pleun 0303226 2e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 2000
Fohlen |
Bruno 0900073 (HENGST) 30 May 2009
Gleiche vater 32 |
Puck OMalley 0610538 2e Premie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 18 June 2006
Fohlen |
Fleur OMalley 1010440 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 27 June 2010
Gleiche vater 33 |
Ramstein 0910720 1e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 1999
Fohlen |
Kyma v. Stoeterij De Ierse Tinker 201210463 Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 10 June 2012
Rodney van Stoeterij de Ierse Tinker 201310514 Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 3 June 2013
Gleiche vater 34 |
Roma 1010334 1e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 1998
Fohlen |
Raaffy v. Stoeterij De Ierse Tinker201210465 Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 30 April 2012
Gleiche vater 35 |
Rose-Lee van Stoeterij de Ierse Tinker 0611158 STER (STUTE) 1 January 2000
Fohlen |
Edy van Stoeterij de Ierse Tinker 1010575 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 5 July 2010
Amydala 201310247 Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 12 June 2013
Gleiche vater 36 |
Rosy of Willow Creek 0810448 3e Premie (STUTE) 1 April 2004
Fohlen |
Bo of Willow Creek 1010565 (STUTE) 5 July 2010
Gleiche vater 37 |
Sailermoon 0301563 STER (STUTE) 1 January 1997
Fohlen |
Mylinns Moon 0910517 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 11 June 2009
Gleiche vater 38 |
Shakira van IC Cob Peer 0710798 STER (STUTE) 1 January 2002 PSSM1:n/n
Fohlen |
Mookey van Irish Coloured Cob Peer 0810613 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 6 August 2008
Gleiche vater 39 |
Shanon 0303057 2e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 1996
Fohlen |
Summer 0710748 2e Premie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 22 June 2007
Gleiche vater 40 |
Siska 0303032 1e Premie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 18 May 2003
Fohlen |
Kyran van t Tinkerhof 0710790 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 26 April 2007
Gleiche vater 41 |
Sue-Ann van Stoeterij de Ierse Tinker 0611159 1e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 2001
Fohlen |
Davany Benz Junior v. Stoeterij de I.T. 1010339 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 30 March 2010
Gleiche vater 42 |
The Horse Valleys Maggie 0710828 2e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 1997
Fohlen |
The Horse Valleys Diablo 0810493 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 20 May 2008
Gleiche vater 43 |
Tinka van Stoeterij de Ierse Tinker 1e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 1999
Fohlen |
Taffys Joni van Stoeterij de Ierse Tinker 0810400 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 1 June 2008