Geschwister von:
  Puck OMalley 0610538 2e Premie , Traditional Cob®
(STUTE) 18 June 2006, HB1 A,
Vater |
OMalley 0101189 STER (HENGST) 1 January 1995
Mutter |
Pleun 0303226 2e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 2000
Volle Geschwister |
Gleiche Mutter 1 |
Maestro 0201370 STER & Preferent (HENGST) 6 June 1998
Fohlen |
LIttle John 0810337 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 15 May 2008
Gleiche Mutter 2 |
Taffy 0606106 STER (HENGST) 20 May 2002
Fohlen |
Bruno 0900073 (HENGST) 30 May 2009
Gleiche vater 1 |
Abbytales Katinka 2e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 1989
Fohlen |
Abbytales Dipsy Omka Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 23 March 2004
Abbytales Elmo Omka Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 12 April 2005
Gleiche vater 2 |
Alice 0301593 (STUTE) 1 January 1993
Fohlen |
ITS Pam 0303134 (STUTE) 10 May 2003
OMalleys Faerie (STUTE) 1 May 2004
Pablo van Vredenheim (HENGST) 15 May 2005
Gleiche vater 3 |
Alma van de Oldershof (STUTE) 1 January 1994
Fohlen |
Oldershofs Sir Lancelot STER (WALLACH) 2 May 2002
Gleiche vater 4 |
Amy 528003IR017909 (STUTE)
Fohlen |
ITS Fergus 201710324 2e Premie (WALLACH) 6 May 2010
Gleiche vater 5 |
Angel 01001194 (STUTE) 1 January 1989
Fohlen |
Angel fan Kilewier (STUTE) 26 May 2002
Gleiche vater 6 |
Ard Ri Katinka (STUTE) 1 January 1994
Fohlen |
Ard-Ri Rowan (HENGST) 25 May 2003
Gleiche vater 7 |
Brighid 0101157 STER (STUTE) 1 January 1997
Fohlen |
Magpie van The Old Oak Stable 0810374 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 14 May 2008
Gleiche vater 8 |
Cache-Cache 0408028 1e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 2000
Fohlen |
Chin-Chin 0711122 Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 30 May 2007
Gleiche vater 9 |
Cartouche 0101192 1e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 1996
Fohlen |
ITS Elise 200403680 Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 28 July 2004
ITS Spike Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 27 July 2005
Gleiche vater 10 |
Deirdre Fan Kilewier (STUTE) 1 January 2000
Fohlen |
Finlay fan Kilewier (HENGST) 4 September 2004
Gleiche vater 11 |
Esdoornhoeve Jessy-S (STUTE) 1 January 1995
Fohlen |
The Green Hills Jomalley 1e Premie (WALLACH) 1 January 2001
Esdoornhoeve Jesmalley Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 16 June 2002
Gleiche vater 12 |
Fantasy Lilli-s Angelic 201110093 STER , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 5 April 2011 PSSM1:n/n
Fohlen |
Coblands Juliet 201710235 2e Premie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 10 June 2017
Gleiche vater 13 |
Flame Vegilin van Claerbergen (STUTE)
Fohlen |
Daisy N-Joy 201910233 (STUTE) 27 May 2007
Gleiche vater 14 |
Gabriëlle 0201279 2e Premie , NAKIJKEN (STUTE) 20 July 2002
Fohlen |
Gemma 0810309 Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 8 May 2008
Gleiche vater 15 |
Holly 0201319 2e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 2000
Fohlen |
Micke 0508341 Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 5 July 2005
Gleiche vater 16 |
Janis 0403578 2e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 1997
Fohlen |
Gentle Storm 0711258 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 24 June 2006
Gleiche vater 17 |
Kate of Oz (STUTE)
Fohlen |
Falcon of Oz (WALLACH) 1 July 2001
Gleiche vater 18 |
Kekoa du Pointon (STUTE) 1 January 2001
Fohlen |
Un Rêve du Pointon 0810563 (HENGST) 2 April 2008
Amber of Pointon 201110007 (STUTE) 28 April 2010
Gleiche vater 19 |
Kelly 20000383 1e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 1993
Fohlen |
ITS Kimberly Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 24 August 2002
Gleiche vater 20 |
Kelly de la Gueriniere Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 31 May 2004
Fohlen |
Angie of Pointon 201110008 (STUTE) 17 June 2010
Gleiche vater 21 |
Kushti Grai 1e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 1995
Fohlen |
Grace OMalley fan Kilewier 2e Premie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 22 April 2002
Ebony 0403668 Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 20 May 2004
ITS Isaura 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 20 May 2005
ITS Xantippe 200610909 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 5 May 2006
Gleiche vater 22 |
Mable 02001324 1e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 1994
Fohlen |
ITS Cooper Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 5 April 2005
Gleiche vater 23 |
Millie 0303248 2e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 1997
Fohlen |
ITS Balou Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 16 June 2004
Gleiche vater 24 |
Mischa van de Roossloot (STUTE) 1 July 2002
Fohlen |
Silas 0810606 (HENGST) 3 August 2008
Gleiche vater 25 |
Misty van de Kuchsti Grai (STUTE) 1 January 1995
Fohlen |
Tyana van de Kuchsti Grai (STUTE) 11 June 2002
Zorro van de Kuchsti Grai (HENGST) 1 July 2003
Gleiche vater 26 |
Mona 0403391 (STUTE) 1 July 1996
Fohlen |
Franske 0508114 (WALLACH) 15 April 2005
Gleiche vater 27 |
Monthy 0101168 2e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 1993
Fohlen |
Finnigan 0201269 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 20 May 2002
Gleiche vater 28 |
Myrthe 0301520 NST, 2e Premie (STUTE) 1 April 2000
Fohlen |
Brouwers Kyara (STUTE) 28 April 2005
Gleiche vater 29 |
Paddy Cash fan Kilewier (STUTE) 1 August 2002
Fohlen |
Jackies Aiden OMalley 201110507- 2e Premie (STUTE) 28 March 2008
Gleiche vater 30 |
Proud Mare STER (STUTE) 1 January 1995
Fohlen |
Starlight 0508129 Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 11 April 2005
Gleiche vater 31 |
Répede 0303222 3e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 2000
Fohlen |
OJelley 0403519 (STUTE) 17 May 2004
Gleiche vater 32 |
Rosie Lux OLady (STUTE) 1 January 2001
Fohlen |
Mr. Gipsy James 0810236 (WALLACH) 10 April 2005
Marly GypsOLeen 0810237- (STUTE) 23 May 2006
Jolie Descendant de Rosie 0810576 (STUTE) 1 May 2007
Gleiche vater 33 |
Roxy -ng (STUTE)
Fohlen |
Inver 0301443 2e Premie (STUTE) 29 April 2002
Gleiche vater 34 |
Shannah 0303160 2e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 1994
Fohlen |
Lowland Gipsy King 0810238 Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 12 June 2006
Gleiche vater 35 |
Shelta (STUTE)
Fohlen |
Baxter 0403373 (WALLACH) 15 May 2001
Gleiche vater 36 |
Shirley 0101226 1e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 1996
Fohlen |
Misty 4 - 0403444 2e Premie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 27 April 2004
Gleiche vater 37 |
Sladbrook Serenade SHS (STUTE)
Fohlen |
Heavy Horse Boyan 201410216 STER & Werk (HENGST) 15 June 2008
Gleiche vater 38 |
Sonja 0303244 (STUTE) 1 January 1996
Fohlen |
Valentins Emma 0403688 (STUTE) 1 June 2004
Gleiche vater 39 |
Sydney du Pointon (STUTE) 1 January 2002
Fohlen |
Taolea of the Pointon 0711189 (STUTE) 23 April 2007
Gleiche vater 40 |
Tara 4 (STUTE)
Fohlen |
ITS Hummer (HENGST) 17 June 2005
Gleiche vater 41 |
Tinka 15 0408037 STER (STUTE) 1 January 1996
Fohlen |
Aibhlinn 0810151 Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 25 June 2007
Gleiche vater 42 |
Tinka 3 STER (STUTE) 1 January 1999
Fohlen |
Donna Clara van de Gossie Horses 0810315 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 18 May 2008
Gleiche vater 43 |
Tinka 5 1e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 1996
Fohlen |
Thigor 0403516 Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 12 May 2004
Gleiche vater 44 |
Tinkerbel STER (STUTE) 1 January 1999
Fohlen |
Rosso 0810361 Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 7 May 2008
Gleiche vater 45 |
Vicky du Pointon (STUTE) 1 January 2000
Fohlen |
Virgin of Pointon 0910696 (STUTE) 30 April 2009
Gleiche vater 46 |
White Feets Ginger STER (STUTE) 1 January 1996
Fohlen |
Azander 0608453 2e Premie , Traditional Cob® (WALLACH) 2 March 2006