Geschwister von:
  Romeo 0810604 Traditional Cob®
(HENGST) 3 July 2008, HB1 A,
Vater |
Maestro 0201370 STER & Preferent (HENGST) 6 June 1998
Mutter |
Siske 0303138 1e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 2000
Volle Geschwister |
Tristan 0711169 Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 19 April 2007
Fransje 0910557 2e Premie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 14 June 2009
Gleiche Mutter 1 |
Subliem van de Heesbeense Hoeve STER (HENGST) 1 January 1998
Fohlen |
Rose 3 - 0403641 Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 30 June 2004
Gleiche vater 1 |
Amber van de Bonte Hoeve 2e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 1997
Fohlen |
Deamhan 0403610 Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 2 May 2004
Cailin van de Bonte Hoeve 1e Premie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 11 May 2005 PSSM1:n/n
Brady van de Bonte Hoeve Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 7 May 2006
Gleiche vater 2 |
Black Jayne 0508298 STER (STUTE) 1 January 1996
Fohlen |
Bronte van dEierkurf 0910215 Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 19 April 2009
Gleiche vater 3 |
Blue Lady 0408016 (STUTE) 1 January 1998
Fohlen |
Nolan van Halfweg 200408017 2e Premie , Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 23 September 2004
Gleiche vater 4 |
Brenda 0303211 2e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 1996
Fohlen |
Ahren 0403611 Traditional Cob® (WALLACH) 8 July 2004
Nomen Nescio Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 16 June 2006
Noa 0810601 STER , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 22 May 2008
Sjakie 201310325 (HENGST) 26 June 2013
Gleiche vater 5 |
Britt van de Bonte Hoeve STER & Preferent (STUTE) 1 January 1998 PSSM1:n/n
Fohlen |
Riley van de Bonte Hoeve 0710472 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 22 March 2007
Gleiche vater 6 |
Brown Sugars Noa 0710568 STER, Kampioen 2013, Rijproef (STUTE) 1 May 2000
Fohlen |
Noas Mr. Bojangles 201710408 (HENGST) 19 April 2011
Gleiche vater 7 |
Cariño van Twinkel 0810549 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 9 July 2008
Fohlen |
Kayleigh vd Middenschans 201210276 Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 20 June 2012
Gleiche vater 8 |
Cassandra 0303128 2e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 1999
Fohlen |
Beautiful Brian 201210078 Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 22 April 2012
Gleiche vater 9 |
Cassey Vegilin van Claerbergen Preferent, STER, Kampioen 2015 & 2016 (STUTE) 1 January 1998
Fohlen |
Delicious van de Acht Zaligheden 0810498 STER & Kampioen (STUTE) 26 June 2008
Charley van de Acht Zaligheden 0910399 1e Premie, WERK (WALLACH) 26 May 2009
Kali van de Acht Zaligheden 1010213 1e Premie (STUTE) 17 May 2010
Gleiche vater 10 |
Chiara 0710920 1e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 1996
Fohlen |
Dante van dEierkurf 0810252 Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 31 March 2008
Taisha van de Kuchsti Grai 0910202 STER , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 7 April 2009
Gleiche vater 11 |
Chica 0610071 2e Premie (STUTE) 3 June 2004
Fohlen |
Chaval van Twinkel 0710934 3e Premie , Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 27 July 2007
Maestro Jr. van t Winkel 201110160 Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 29 April 2011
Gleiche vater 12 |
Deepika Winnie 1e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 1994
Fohlen |
Gallyon 0910625 Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 6 July 2009
Gleiche vater 13 |
Donja 0303062 (STUTE) 1 January 1995
Fohlen |
Bonny D of Maestro 0810600 STER (STUTE) 15 June 2008
Gleiche vater 14 |
Dusty 0711640 (STUTE) 1 January 2002
Fohlen |
Ariane 0711641 (STUTE) 17 April 2007
Amalia 0910101 (STUTE) 2 April 2008
Kaya of Finlaystables 0910681 (STUTE) 6 August 2009
Gleiche vater 15 |
Elsje 0403647 (STUTE) 1 January 2000
Fohlen |
Sterre 0710922 STER & Werk (STUTE) 5 May 2007
Gleiche vater 16 |
Gabriëlle 0201279 2e Premie , NAKIJKEN (STUTE) 20 July 2002
Fohlen |
Gina 0910373 Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 11 May 2009
Gleiche vater 17 |
Ginger 0201371 (STUTE) 15 April 2000
Fohlen |
Elsa 0403612 2e Premie (STUTE) 13 June 2004
Donn Gasür 0508238 (HENGST) 18 June 2005
Darco 0610478 (HENGST) 29 May 2006
Owhen 0810603 (HENGST) 15 April 2008
Foalda 0910393 (HENGST) 2 May 2009
Kiran 201210183 (HENGST) 23 April 2012
Liz 201510178 (STUTE) 28 April 2015
Gleiche vater 18 |
Gipsy 5 - 0403544 (STUTE) 3 June 2004
Fohlen |
Macho 0910938 (HENGST) 17 June 2009
Maximiliaan 1010437 (HENGST) 28 June 2010
Gleiche vater 19 |
Kyra 0201329 (STUTE) 1 January 1992
Fohlen |
Robby 0403404 (HENGST) 28 March 2004
July 0710452 1e Premie (STUTE) 8 April 2007
Zorro 0910435 (HENGST) 16 May 2009
Romy 1010125 (STUTE) 19 April 2010
Gleiche vater 20 |
Kyra van de Bonte Hoeve STER, Preferent (STUTE) 16 June 2005 PSSM1:n/n
Fohlen |
Torin van de Bonte Hoeve 0910194 1e Premie (WALLACH) 11 April 2009
Gleiche vater 21 |
Lilly 0910141 (STUTE) 29 May 2008
Fohlen |
Lillys Maestro 201810231 Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 20 May 2017
Gleiche vater 22 |
Lisa 0610232 (STUTE) 1 January 1997
Fohlen |
Luchene 0710300 (STUTE) 8 March 2007
Gleiche vater 23 |
Lotje 0403648 STER en Dagkampioen 2007 (STUTE) 29 April 2004
Fohlen |
Oana Koosje 0910168 STER & Dagkampioen 2012, Werk , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 27 March 2009 PSSM1:n/n
Gleiche vater 24 |
Lotte 0711235 (STUTE) 1 January 1992
Fohlen |
Tequila 0810462 (STUTE) 11 May 2008
Gleiche vater 25 |
Marietje 0608400 STER (STUTE) 1 January 2000
Fohlen |
Mattz 0710929 1e Premie , Traditional Cob® (WALLACH) 9 May 2007
Gleiche vater 26 |
Molly 0711167 (STUTE) 1 January 1993
Fohlen |
Kelsey 0810602 STER (STUTE) 24 April 2008 PSSM1:n/n
Gleiche vater 27 |
Nakira 0303212 STER (STUTE) 1 January 1998
Fohlen |
Geana n Lae Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 25 April 2003
Ruby 2 - 0403424 Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 16 April 2004
Eileen 0508106 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 8 April 2005
Eloise 0610089 Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 8 April 2006
Chelsea van Nakira 0710457 Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 14 April 2007
Gleiche vater 28 |
Orzantz 0810571 (STUTE) 1 January 2002
Fohlen |
Cheyenne 1010224 (STUTE) 10 February 2010
Gleiche vater 29 |
Pleun 0303226 2e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 2000
Fohlen |
LIttle John 0810337 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 15 May 2008
Gleiche vater 30 |
RieBar 0303087 (STUTE) 1 January 1994
Fohlen |
Sir Ziggy Chendo 0711260 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (WALLACH) 13 May 2007 PSSM1:n/n
Gleiche vater 31 |
Roos 0303077 2e Premie (STUTE) 4 May 1999
Fohlen |
Lis 0508136 Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 2 May 2005
Gleiche vater 32 |
Rosie van de Bonte Hoeve (STUTE)
Fohlen |
Madra van de Bonte Hoeve 1e Premie (STUTE) 11 June 2006 PSSM1:n/n
Gleiche vater 33 |
Roxy 2 - 0403390 (STUTE) 1 January 1996
Fohlen |
Valentino 2 - 0508201 (HENGST) 24 May 2005
Diesel 0610445 (HENGST) 1 June 2006
Fayah 0810458 (STUTE) 29 April 2008
Flaco 1010294 Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 2 May 2010
Gleiche vater 34 |
Sandos Kellsey van Stoeterij de Ierse Tinker 0910468 3e Premie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 22 April 2009
Fohlen |
Sandro 201310186 Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 11 May 2013
Gleiche vater 35 |
Sandos Skayler 201210226 2e Premie (STUTE) 4 June 2009
Fohlen |
Lady Donna 201310096 Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 22 April 2013
Gleiche vater 36 |
Sayla 0303086 STER (STUTE) 1 January 1999
Fohlen |
Saylas Ruari of Maestro 201110169 Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 28 April 2011
Gleiche vater 37 |
Shakira 0810474 (STUTE) 1 January 1995
Fohlen |
Thoran 0810475 (HENGST) 5 June 2007
Leonardo 0810476 (HENGST) 23 June 2008
Gleiche vater 38 |
Silvana 0810473 (STUTE) 1 January 2005
Fohlen |
Siera 0810477 (STUTE) 8 May 2008
Gleiche vater 39 |
Sita 2 - 0403398 (STUTE) 1 January 1997
Fohlen |
Wietje 0910448 (STUTE) 27 May 2009
Gleiche vater 40 |
Snuffy 0608405 (STUTE) 1 January 1998
Fohlen |
Coco 0710935 Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 31 March 2007
Gleiche vater 41 |
T Kaya van de Bonte Hoeve (STUTE)
Fohlen |
Garsun van de Bonte Hoeve 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (WALLACH) 19 May 2006
Gleiche vater 42 |
Tara 2 - 0301510 (STUTE) 1 May 2001
Fohlen |
Cupido van de Acht Zaligheden 0710870 (HENGST) 14 June 2007
Ti Amo van de Acht Zaligheden 0810461 2e Premie (HENGST) 4 June 2008
Chico van de Acht Zaligheden 0910397 (HENGST) 14 May 2009
Manischa van de Acht Zaligheden 1010214 2e Premie (STUTE) 4 May 2010
Gleiche vater 43 |
Tara 3 0303145 (STUTE) 1 January 1998
Fohlen |
Ailin 201110343 2e Premie , Traditional Cob® (WALLACH) 22 June 2011 PSSM1:n/n
Gleiche vater 44 |
Tineke van de Prins-Karelpolder STER (STUTE) 1 January 2001 PSSM1:n/n
Fohlen |
Vevina van de Bonte Hoeve 0710478 2e Premie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 3 April 2007
Gleiche vater 45 |
Tinka 3 STER (STUTE) 1 January 1999
Fohlen |
Berre -Babel- 0508145 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (WALLACH) 11 May 2005
Puck van de Gossie-Horses 0710838 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 13 May 2007
Gleiche vater 46 |
Tinkabell 0403343 (STUTE) 1 January 1998
Fohlen |
Douchka van de Riethoornhoeve (STUTE) 1 June 2005
Cara van de Riethoornhoeve (STUTE) 18 May 2006
Kian van de Riethoornhoeve 0710791 (HENGST) 27 May 2007
Kieran van de Riethoornhoeve 0810297 (HENGST) 13 May 2008
Maire van de Riethoornhoeve 1010119 (STUTE) 22 April 2010
Gleiche vater 47 |
Wies 0403386 (STUTE) 1 January 1999
Fohlen |
Michael 0810872 (HENGST) 16 April 2008
Rosa 1010333 (STUTE) 1 August 2009
Gleiche vater 48 |
Wiesja van Wiribo 0610412 Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 27 May 2006
Fohlen |
Nova van Wiribo 0910233 (STUTE) 25 April 2009
Roza van Wiribo 1010272 (STUTE) 31 May 2010