Geschwister von:
  Lady Hazel of the Owlish Fortress 0710624
(STUTE) 19 May 2007, HB1 B,
Vater |
Bloc van Tinkerstal Foubert STER, Kamp. 2006 en 2007 (HENGST) 1 January 1999
Mutter |
Jolien van de Bonte Laarhoeve (STUTE) 1 January 1999
Volle Geschwister |
Gleiche Mutter 1 |
Mickey Boy 1e Premie & Preferent (HENGST) 1 January 1997
Fohlen |
Macho van de Bonte Laarhoeve (HENGST) 1 May 2003
Paris van de Bonte Laarhoeve (STUTE) 9 June 2004
Lord Gawen of the Owlish Fortress 2e Premie (HENGST) 29 April 2006
Gleiche vater 1 |
Akita Crossland Horses 52800300025996 (STUTE)
Fohlen |
King van Crosslandhorses 0910523 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 14 June 2009
Gleiche vater 2 |
Avril Vegilin v. C. STER (STUTE) 1 January 1999
Fohlen |
Lady Moya of the Owlish Fortress 200710808 STER & Werk , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 14 June 2007 PSSM1:n/n
Lord Innis of the Owlish Fortress 0910442 Traditional Cob® (WALLACH) 20 May 2009
Gleiche vater 3 |
Babette van Tinkerstal Foubert 0810621 STER (STUTE) 1 January 2002
Fohlen |
Buddy van Tinkerstal Foubert 201110598 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 28 June 2011
Gleiche vater 4 |
Belle 0610292 2e Premie (STUTE) 18 May 2003
Fohlen |
Spot 0710456 Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 11 April 2007
Gleiche vater 5 |
Caline de lEcurie de Tine (STUTE) 1 January 2000
Fohlen |
Canelle de lEcurie de Tine (STUTE) 29 August 2006
Gleiche vater 6 |
Celtic Quelly 2e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 1992
Fohlen |
Celtic Buachaill 0910433 Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 5 June 2009
Gleiche vater 7 |
Daniëlla 0610592 STER (STUTE) 2 July 2000
Fohlen |
Daniëlle Go-Go 0810274 1e Premie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 4 May 2008
Gleiche vater 8 |
Deborah 0403572 2e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 2002
Fohlen |
Troika 0711729 Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 23 May 2007
Ugoline du Val de Lys 0810877 Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 28 April 2008
Gleiche vater 9 |
Dolly van Tinkerstal Foubert (STUTE) 1 January 2003
Fohlen |
Cassie-Lane van Tinkerstal Foubert 2e Premie (STUTE) 26 March 2006
Gleiche vater 10 |
Ever Blue 0406122 (STUTE) 30 May 2004
Fohlen |
Ugo du Val de Lys 0810876 (HENGST) 28 April 2008
Gleiche vater 11 |
Faline 0303068 2e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 1997
Fohlen |
Drumberry 0910697 Traditional Cob® (WALLACH) 16 May 2007
Gleiche vater 12 |
Froukje 0810441 Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 22 June 2004
Fohlen |
Boukje 0810440 (STUTE) 1 June 2007
Gleiche vater 13 |
Gapstar 0503028 2e Premie, Preferent (STUTE) 27 April 2000
Fohlen |
Jay-Z 0710329 STER , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 19 March 2007 PSSM1:n/P1
Q-tip 0910245 2e Vpremie (HENGST) 3 May 2009
Gleiche vater 14 |
Gipsy 2 - 0303230 STER (STUTE) 1 January 1998
Fohlen |
Cheyenne 0810466 2e Premie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 7 June 2008
Gleiche vater 15 |
Gitte van Tinkerstal Foubert STER (STUTE) 1 January 1999
Fohlen |
007 van Tinkerstal Foubert 0910816 (HENGST) 3 May 2009
Double O Seven van Tinkerstal Foubert B1 Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 3 May 2009
Gleiche vater 16 |
Hanne van Tinkerstal Foubert STER (STUTE) 1 January 2002
Fohlen |
RRTF Virginia 0710902 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 2 May 2007
Gleiche vater 17 |
Happy van de Bergh Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 15 June 2003
Fohlen |
Up and Go du Val de Lys 0810870 (HENGST) 7 June 2008
Gleiche vater 18 |
Hatara 0711118 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 15 August 2007
Fohlen |
Moonlight Kelly 201110174 2e Vpremie (STUTE) 1 May 2011
Gleiche vater 19 |
Heidi 0610616 2e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 1996
Fohlen |
Siebe 0610633 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 30 May 2006
Gleiche vater 20 |
Irisch van de Ponthoeve 2e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 1999
Fohlen |
Flower 0710768 3e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 25 June 2007
Taban 0810578 3e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 21 June 2008
Gleiche vater 21 |
Isora 0611105 (STUTE) 1 January 1990
Fohlen |
Arthur van Tinkerstal Foubert 0900160 2e Vpremie (HENGST) 10 April 2009
Gleiche vater 22 |
ITS Twister 0403685 (STUTE) 14 May 2004
Fohlen |
Ughy du Val de Lys 0810875 (HENGST) 23 April 2008
Gleiche vater 23 |
Jessie Go-Go STER, Werk , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 28 February 2006
Fohlen |
Destinys Malloy 1010068 (HENGST) 4 April 2010
Gleiche vater 24 |
Jinty of Dreams Reflections 1e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 1997
Fohlen |
Isnt She Something of Dreams Reflections 0810310 Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 15 May 2008
Gleiche vater 25 |
June van de Langendijk 0303307 STER, Dagkampioen Someren 2005, Preferent (STUTE) 10 June 2002
Fohlen |
Purcy van de Langendijk 0710325 STER , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 14 March 2007
Gleiche vater 26 |
Kiley Colleen 3e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 1997
Fohlen |
Blanid Inion Bloc 1010097 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 9 April 2010
Gleiche vater 27 |
Kitana van de Bonte Parels (STUTE)
Fohlen |
Olivier Van Tinkerstal Foubert 2e Vpremie (HENGST) 12 June 2006
Gleiche vater 28 |
Laika des Vis Près 2e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 1997
Fohlen |
Sacha des Vîs Prés 0900039 (STUTE) 27 April 2009
Gleiche vater 29 |
Laura 2 - 0406113 2e Premie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 18 July 2003
Fohlen |
Isa 0810447 1e Premie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 25 April 2008
Gleiche vater 30 |
Liana van Tinkerstal Foubert STER (STUTE) 1 January 2003
Fohlen |
RRTF Donovan 0710900 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 11 May 2007
Gleiche vater 31 |
Lizzy 0201326 STER PREFERENT Kamp. Someren 2004 (STUTE) 1 January 2000 PSSM1:n/P1
Fohlen |
Daisy Go-Go 0810279 STER , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 27 April 2008
Gleiche vater 32 |
Milish Meagan van de Kendelhoeve STER (STUTE) 1 January 1998
Fohlen |
Milish Morys van de Kendelhoeve 1010412 1e Vpremie (HENGST) 14 June 2010
Gleiche vater 33 |
Nina van Tinkerstal Foubert STER, Preferent (STUTE) 1 January 2005 Einzucht:12.5%,%
Fohlen |
Django van Tinkerstal Foubert 0900105 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 12 May 2009
Gleiche vater 34 |
Paola van Hippolacta (STUTE) 1 January 1997
Fohlen |
Gordon du Pré a la Hutte 0710925 (HENGST) 25 April 2007
Gleiche vater 35 |
Pluis 0610619 2e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 1997
Fohlen |
Brasco Van Tinkerstal Foubert 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 2 June 2006
Aaron 0710901 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 30 May 2007
Adam 0810521 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 15 June 2008
Boukje 0900103 1e Vpremie (STUTE) 21 July 2009
Gleiche vater 36 |
Sally DE 301.017333792 2e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 1992
Fohlen |
Jack Mc Loud 0711120 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 12 April 2007
Gleiche vater 37 |
Shakyra 2- 0301457 STER (STUTE) 1 January 1999
Fohlen |
Daan Go-Go 200810276 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 7 May 2008
Gleiche vater 38 |
Shayla 0910677 (STUTE) 1 January 1998
Fohlen |
Millie 0910207 2e Premie (STUTE) 28 June 2008
Gleiche vater 39 |
Shelby van Stal de Vier Hoefkens 200403530 STER (STUTE) 14 May 2002
Fohlen |
Sydney van Stal de Vier Hoefkens 201110196 1e Premie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 12 May 2011
Gleiche vater 40 |
Simone 0301492 (STUTE) 1 January 1992
Fohlen |
Xena Van Tinkerstal Foubert 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 22 June 2006
Gleiche vater 41 |
Stal Vier Hoefkens Regina STER (STUTE) 1 January 1993
Fohlen |
Laszlo des Noes 0710832 Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 25 April 2007
Gleiche vater 42 |
Sue 0710873 2e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 2000
Fohlen |
Cayleigh van de Tinkerhoef 0810335 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 16 May 2008
Gleiche vater 43 |
Taina 0303102 2e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 1997
Fohlen |
Bagheera du Yota 0611146 1e Premie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 1 June 2006
Gleiche vater 44 |
Tara 0810623 2e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 2003
Fohlen |
Yonas van Tinkerstal Foubert 0900107 (HENGST) 12 May 2009
Yonagh van Tinkerstal Foubert 0910818 (HENGST) 12 May 2009
Gleiche vater 45 |
The Palomino van Tinkerstal Foubert 0710907 2e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 2000
Fohlen |
RRTF Yenthe 0810520 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 17 April 2008
Asa van Tinkerstal Foubert 1010513 3e Vpremie (STUTE) 31 March 2010
Gleiche vater 46 |
Tinkelbel van de Naten 2e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 1996
Fohlen |
Amai van de Naten 0900017 2e Vpremie (HENGST) 13 April 2009
Gleiche vater 47 |
Topsy van Tinkerstal Foubert 1e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 2001
Fohlen |
Frya Des Arriouets 0711676 Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 2 May 2007
Gleiche vater 48 |
Windy DE 302.029193298 (STUTE)
Fohlen |
Bounty 0711121 3e Vpremie (STUTE) 8 February 2007
Gleiche vater 49 |
Yelte van Stal de Vier Hoefkens 0710764 STER (STUTE) 1 January 1995
Fohlen |
Lars van Stal de Vier Hoefkens 0810467 2e Premie , Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 7 June 2008
Eskey van Stal de Vier Hoefkens 0910364 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 19 May 2009
Bruce van Stal de Vier Hoefkens 1010327 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 19 June 2010
Gleiche vater 50 |
Zaza van t Wolvenest 201310550 2e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 2001
Fohlen |
Gentle Gale 0810958 Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 10 May 2008