Geschwister von:
  Tinker Im Elsass Siobhan 0610111 1e Premie
(STUTE) 20 April 2006, HB1 B Premie,
Vater |
Meadows Selwyn STER, PREFERENT, Werk (HENGST) 1 May 2003
Mutter |
Meadows Tsigane (STUTE)
Volle Geschwister |
Gleiche Mutter 1 |
St. Patrick 0200155 1e Premie (WALLACH) 1 January 1993
Fohlen |
Meadows Lailah 2e Premie (STUTE) 28 March 2005
Gleiche Mutter 2 |
Swieber 0303273 2e Premie (HENGST) 1 January 1995
Fohlen |
Meadows Wings (WALLACH) 7 April 2004
Gleiche vater 1 |
Andrea SD Farm 201410548 STER (STUTE) 1 January 2011
Fohlen |
Armen Ze Sedmi Dvoru 201610575 Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 26 May 2016
AFRODITA ZE SEDMI DVORŮ 201710532 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 11 May 2017
Gleiche vater 2 |
Beatle 0610421 STER (STUTE) 1 January 2000
Fohlen |
Aprils Missy 201110110 Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 10 April 2011
Gleiche vater 3 |
Cassy 0303072 2e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 2000
Fohlen |
Freya 0910201 Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 21 April 2009
Gleiche vater 4 |
Divine van Irish Cob Holland 201110692 STER (STUTE) 1 January 2008
Fohlen |
Dex ze Sedmi Dvoru 201510382 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 20 April 2015
Dreamy van Irish Cob 201610455 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 6 May 2016
Gleiche vater 5 |
Dora 201310465 STER (STUTE) 1 January 2005
Fohlen |
DANTE ZE SEDMI DVORŮ 201710536 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 15 April 2017
Gleiche vater 6 |
Evangeline van Stal Zeven-Morgen 0711199 1e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 1998
Fohlen |
Sarah-Noa van Stal Zeven-Morgen 0810481 Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 3 May 2008
Gleiche vater 7 |
Fantasy Shakira 0401959 STER (STUTE) 1 January 2004
Fohlen |
Fantasy Sweet Dream 1010672 STER, WERK , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 20 July 2010 PSSM1:n/n
Gleiche vater 8 |
Fatima 71560 (STUTE)
Fohlen |
Ebonet 201310542 2e Crossbredpremie (STUTE) 24 July 2013
Gina 201510137 2e Partbredpremie (STUTE) 24 April 2015
Gleiche vater 9 |
Florina 0810367 (STUTE) 9 September 1999
Fohlen |
Ouzo van de Zorba Stal 0900051 2e Vpremie (HENGST) 22 May 2009
Gleiche vater 10 |
Gentle 0303085 2e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 2000
Fohlen |
Cailin van de Tinkerboerderij 0910214 STER , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 17 April 2009
Gleiche vater 11 |
GHR Alants Lucille 0910822 STER, Werk , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 2 June 2009 PSSM1:n/n
Fohlen |
Falanga Faith from Violet 201910635 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 7 May 2019
Gleiche vater 12 |
Inanna van Tinkerstal Foubert 201210440 2e Premie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 13 May 2012 Einzucht:3.1%,%
Fohlen |
Isannah 201810626 Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 28 April 2018
Gleiche vater 13 |
Lady 3 - 0403330 2e Premie (STUTE) 1 May 2000
Fohlen |
Ard Ri of Tara 0910434 Traditional Cob® (WALLACH) 4 June 2009
Gleiche vater 14 |
LEJLA ZE SEDMI DVORU 201310482 STER (STUTE) 1 January 2011
Fohlen |
Lexi Ze Sedmi Dvoru 201610576 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 28 April 2016
Gleiche vater 15 |
Meadows Bonny STER (STUTE) 1 January 1994
Fohlen |
Meadows Dundee 0610269 1e Vpremie, veulenkampioen Eksel 2006 , Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 16 May 2006
Meadows Arwyn 0710769 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 20 May 2007
Gleiche vater 16 |
Meadows Bunty STER (STUTE) 24 August 2003
Fohlen |
Meadows Duke 0610476 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 22 June 2006
Meadows Eirnin 0710736 2e Premie , Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 20 June 2007
Gleiche vater 17 |
Meadows Dalai 0610455 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 15 June 2006
Fohlen |
Blizzard 0900050 (STUTE) 27 May 2009
Gleiche vater 18 |
Meadows Hazel 2e Premie (STUTE) 29 May 2002
Fohlen |
Meadows Mabel 0610076 2e Premie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 18 April 2006
Packo 0710580 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 24 April 2007
Gleiche vater 19 |
Meadows Lailah 2e Premie (STUTE) 28 March 2005
Fohlen |
Lord Guinness 0900005 2e Vpremie (HENGST) 6 May 2009
Gleiche vater 20 |
Meadows Pippin STER (STUTE) 9 May 2003
Fohlen |
Meadows Conroy 200710588 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 5 May 2007
Meadows Otis 0810558 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 5 July 2008
Gleiche vater 21 |
Meadows Roza 0508178 STER en Kampioen 2007 , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 18 May 2005
Fohlen |
Meadows Melvyn 0810299 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 29 April 2008
Meadows Angie 090008 STER (STUTE) 19 April 2009 PSSM1:n/n
Gleiche vater 22 |
Meadows Saraih STER (STUTE) 7 May 2004
Fohlen |
Meadows Maggie May 0710589 1e Premie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 22 April 2007
Meadows Éowyn 0810308 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 12 May 2008
Gleiche vater 23 |
Meadows Whisper (STUTE) 1 January 1994
Fohlen |
Buddy 0610268 (HENGST) 10 May 2006
Gleiche vater 24 |
Medusha de Gorgone 0810366 1e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 1999
Fohlen |
Meadows Iggy 0900058 STER , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 27 May 2009
Ferre 201210453 1e Vpremie (HENGST) 2 May 2011
Gleiche vater 25 |
Nightlight 0406035 2e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 1997
Fohlen |
Ruby 0810480 Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 7 June 2008
Gleiche vater 26 |
Paiti van Weremere 2e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 1995
Fohlen |
Poirot van Weremere 0810555 2e Premie , Traditional Cob® (WALLACH) 11 July 2008
Gleiche vater 27 |
Porta ze Sedmi dvoru 201410537 STER (STUTE) 1 January 2012
Fohlen |
PRINC ZE SEDMI DVORŮ 201710537 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 4 April 2017
Gleiche vater 28 |
Rianna Misneach Kathleen STER (STUTE) 1 January 1996 PSSM1:n/P1
Fohlen |
Rianna Misneach Rebecca 0710786 STER / 4xDagkampioen , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 22 June 2007
Gleiche vater 29 |
Rosie 201510384 STER (STUTE) 1 January 2009
Fohlen |
Rix Ze Sedmi Dvoru 201610574 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 13 May 2016
Gleiche vater 30 |
Roza 2 - 0301598 (STUTE) 15 May 2003
Fohlen |
Meadows Denver 0610361 2e Premie (WALLACH) 22 May 2006 PSSM1:n/n
Meadows Kiley 0710599 1e Vpremie (STUTE) 9 May 2007
Ugo Boss 0810406 (HENGST) 28 May 2008
Gleiche vater 31 |
Shahbanou van the Barley Farm 2e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 1997
Fohlen |
Juanita van the Barley Farm 0710792 2e Premie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 18 May 2007
Gleiche vater 32 |
Shakira 0900117 1e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 1998
Fohlen |
Fleur P. 201610445 2e Premie (STUTE) 20 June 2013
Gleiche vater 33 |
Shana 3 -0508269 2e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 1994
Fohlen |
Theo du Pré à la Hutte 0910095 Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 16 June 2008
Gleiche vater 34 |
Siska 0303032 1e Premie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 18 May 2003
Fohlen |
Kyara van t Tinkerhof 0810295 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 19 April 2008
Gleiche vater 35 |
Star Vegilin v. C. 2e Premie (STUTE) 1 January 1995
Fohlen |
Bubbles Star 1010301 Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 11 June 2010
Gleiche vater 36 |
Syta 0610453 2e Premie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 26 May 2006
Fohlen |
Dina van de Neerhoeve 0900003 2e Vpremie (STUTE) 13 April 2009
Gleiche vater 37 |
Tara van Weremere STER en Kampioen (STUTE) 1 January 2000
Fohlen |
Taisha van Weremere 0910550 STER & Kamp. 2010, Rijproef , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 1 May 2009 PSSM1:n/P1
Gleiche vater 38 |
Wish van t Herenthof 201810542 STER en Werk (STUTE) 7 October 2010 PSSM1:n/n
Fohlen |
Jekyll VS Vrbicky 201810569 2e Premie , Traditional Cob® (HENGST) 30 June 2018
Gleiche vater 39 |
Wonda 0910293 1e Premie & WERK , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 13 March 2009
Fohlen |
Whisky 201410538 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (STUTE) 22 April 2014