Siblings of:

Shenco Blue 1010038
1e Premie, Preferent , Traditional Cob®
(STALLION) 11 April 2007, HB1 A Premie, PSSM1:n/n
Sire Collin van de Gorterstraat STER PREFERENT    (STALLION) born: 1 August 2000
Dam Cheyenne 1010039 2e Premie    (MARE) born: 1 January 2001
full siblings
  1. Sheran Blue 1010040 Traditional Cob®   (STALLION) born: 23 May 2009
same dam 1 Tosca 0403514 2e Premie , Traditional Cob®   (STALLION) born: 13 May 2004
  1. Shiënna Blue 1010212 2e Premie , Traditional Cob®   (MARE) born: 14 May 2010
  2. Sheldon Blue 201110200 1e Premie , Traditional Cob®   (GELDING) born: 6 May 2011
same sire 1 A Girl Named Gipsy 0810235 1e Premie , Traditional Cob®   (MARE) born: 14 August 2004
  1. Parys 201810017 1e Premie    (STALLION) born: 15 January 2017
same sire 2 Angel of Wundering Heights 201510474   (MARE) born: 1 January 2005
  1. Draco 201610146   (STALLION) born: 21 May 2016
  2. Markus 201710578   (STALLION) born: 9 May 2017
same sire 3 Arnica van Vredenheim 201510416   (MARE) born: 26 April 2008
  1. Kaja 201610498   (MARE) born: 30 May 2016
  2. Lisa 201810622   (MARE) born: 13 July 2018
same sire 4 Bella 201910368   (MARE) born: 5 June 2009
  1. Baron 201910369   (STALLION) born: 17 May 2019
same sire 5 Bridgette 201610199   (MARE) born: 7 June 2008
  1. Elrado 201810015   (STALLION) born: 20 August 2017
same sire 6 Brittany 201810018   (MARE)
  1. Beryl 201810014   (STALLION) born: 5 August 2017
same sire 7 Brown Sugars Noa 0710568 STER, Kampioen 2013, Rijproef    (MARE) born: 1 May 2000
  1. Brown Sugars Davidoff 0810537 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob®   (STALLION) born: 12 May 2008
  2. Brown Sugars Mohr 0910205 Traditional Cob®   (STALLION) born: 22 April 2009
same sire 8 Ciara 02001361   (MARE) born: 1 June 1998
  1. Varney 0810317   (STALLION) born: 5 May 2008
  2. Kasper 0910458   (STALLION) born: 14 May 2009
same sire 9 Djenny 0201348 STER    (MARE) born: 1 January 1994
  1. Djupa 201510292   (MARE) born: 10 May 2004
same sire 10 Ellen 201710634   (MARE)
  1. Elfi aka Bajka 201710633   (MARE) born: 9 June 2017
same sire 11 Gitana 0508214   (MARE) born: 1 April 1998
  1. Gipsy King 0508215   (STALLION) born: 14 May 2005
same sire 12 Irah van t Prinsenhof 0910256 STER    (MARE) born: 1 January 1996
  1. Erin van de Gorterstraat 201110364   (MARE) born: 21 April 2007
same sire 13 Iris Danae   (MARE) born: 1 January 1997
  1. Dyllan 0710950   (STALLION) born: 23 April 2007
same sire 14 ITS Princess Silver Spirit -PSSM1 nn-    (MARE)
  1. Sir Royal Silver Cimarron Doublestar 202510042   (STALLION) born: 7 June 2022
same sire 15 Jalo 201610074   (MARE) born: 1 January 2007
  1. Jowita 201810365   (MARE) born: 22 April 2018
same sire 16 Jemilla 0303127 STER    (MARE) born: 4 July 2002
  1. Neosho 0910274 Traditional Cob®   (STALLION) born: 5 May 2009
same sire 17 Kate 0710948   (MARE) born: 1 January 2002
  1. Byxou 0710949 STER , Traditional Cob®   (MARE) born: 16 May 2007
same sire 18 Kaya 201510121   (MARE) born: 1 January 2005
  1. Kallinka 201810058   (MARE) born: 10 January 2018
  2. Karussia 201910614   (MARE) born: 7 May 2019
  3. Korona 202110353   (MARE) born: 18 May 2020
same sire 19 Kayle 0508148   (MARE) born: 1 May 2005
  1. Fionna 0910459   (MARE) born: 12 May 2009
  2. Cody 1010326   (STALLION) born: 16 May 2010
  3. Chico 201110287   (STALLION) born: 19 May 2011
same sire 20 Kieske of Wundering Heights 201110098 2e Premie    (MARE) born: 16 May 2007
  1. Kyra van de Munkesstraat 201110306 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob®   (MARE) born: 11 May 2011
  2. Kendra van de Munkesstraat 201310395 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob®   (MARE) born: 12 May 2013
  3. Kahli van de Munkestraat 201410449 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob®   (MARE) born: 6 June 2014
same sire 21 Kira van de Bergh 0710582 2e Premie , Traditional Cob®   (MARE) born: 11 April 2007
  1. Galia 201810016   (MARE) born: 25 August 2017
same sire 22 Kropla 201810693   (MARE)
  1. Kortez 201810692   (STALLION) born: 10 July 2018
same sire 23 Kyana 0303272 STER + Res. Dagkampioen    (MARE) born: 1 January 1997
  1. Chayenne 0610360 2e Premie , Traditional Cob®   (MARE) born: 10 May 2006
same sire 24 Lea van de Gorterstraat 0403446 STER Kampioen Beverwijk 2004 en 2005    (MARE) born: 1 January 1998
  1. Hannah van de Gorterstraat 0910368 1e Premie , Traditional Cob®   (MARE) born: 11 May 2009
same sire 25 Liana 0810615 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob®   (MARE) born: 9 June 2008
  1. Gracja 201810013   (MARE) born: 2 April 2017
  2. Bella 201910012   (MARE) born: 16 February 2018
same sire 26 Lieke NST   (MARE)
  1. Silke 201610060   (MARE) born: 2 May 2004
same sire 27 Mary Jo 0610542 1e Premie & Champion 2007    (MARE) born: 1 January 1995
  1. Clint du Vallon 0611221 Traditional Cob®   (STALLION) born: 2 June 2006
same sire 28 Masha 1010041 1e Premie    (MARE) born: 1 January 2004
  1. Yarah Mustache 1010042 1e Premie , Traditional Cob®   (MARE) born: 5 April 2009
same sire 29 Meagen van de Gorterstraat 201110443   (MARE) born: 1 January 1998
  1. Milky Way van de Gorterstraat 201310621 2e Premie    (STALLION) born: 2 June 2009
  2. COLLINS MARSHALL VAN DE GORTERSTRAAT 201510227   (STALLION) born: 25 May 2015
same sire 30 Mendy 0403496 1e Premie    (MARE) born: 9 May 2004
  1. Duncan 0910363 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob®   (STALLION) born: 17 May 2009
same sire 31 Norah van de Gorterstraat   (MARE)
  1. Chandler di Lukato 0610575 STER    (STALLION) born: 1 January 2005
same sire 32 Norah van de Gorterstraat 20001132   (MARE)
  1. Silver Spring van de Gorterstraat 201310226   (MARE)
  2. Brooke van de Gorterstraat 201610460 1e Premie    (MARE) born: 28 May 2009
same sire 33 Primrose 0404193   (MARE)
  1. Victor 0910100   (STALLION) born: 6 June 2008
same sire 34 Rose 0201355 2e Premie    (MARE) born: 1 January 1990
  1. Roses Mary 0910170 2e Premie , Traditional Cob®   (MARE) born: 19 March 2009
same sire 35 Roses Dana 0710755 2e Premie , Traditional Cob®   (MARE) born: 17 June 2007
  1. Danas Roisin 201110168 Traditional Cob®   (MARE) born: 21 April 2011
same sire 36 Rosey 0408069 1e Premie    (MARE) born: 1 January 1994
  1. Hope 0711257 2e Vpremie    (MARE) born: 3 June 2007
same sire 37 Saartje van de Hertoghoeve 201710444   (MARE) born: 18 April 2014
  1. Shaantje 201710443   (MARE) born: 26 January 2017
  2. Shaadow 201810364   (STALLION) born: 25 March 2018
same sire 38 Sandy Sarah 0711203 1e Premie    (MARE) born: 1 January 2001
  1. Sarahs Brannagh of The Spotted Ranch 0910371 Traditional Cob®   (MARE) born: 16 May 2009
same sire 39 Tina -    (MARE)
  1. Tennessee 202510037   (STALLION)
same sire 40 Tinka 15 0408037 STER    (MARE) born: 1 January 1996
  1. Jessy 0910567 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob®   (MARE) born: 6 June 2009
  2. Dash Mor Dubh 1010332 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob®   (STALLION) born: 30 May 2010
same sire 41 Zoë van de Gorterstraat 201110444   (MARE)
  1. Lily-Ann van de Gorterstraat 201310225 1e Premie    (MARE) born: 1 January 2008