Siblings of:
  Bianca of Paradise 201810145 Traditional Cob®
(MARE) 13 April 2017, HB1 A,
Sire |
Baloo of Paradise 201510460 STER (STALLION) born: 17 June 2013
Dam |
Jessie Go-Go STER, Werk , Traditional Cob® (MARE) born: 28 February 2006
full siblings |
same dam 1 |
Sibling |
Jasmine of the Paradise 201410540 STER , Traditional Cob® (MARE) born: 24 May 2014
Josephine of the Paradise 201510399 Traditional Cob® (MARE) born: 19 May 2015
Black Jack of Paradise 201810623 Traditional Cob® (GELDING) born: 4 May 2018
Jackie of Paradise 201910695 Traditional Cob® (MARE) born: 15 April 2019
same dam 2 |
Bloc van Tinkerstal Foubert STER, Kamp. 2006 en 2007 (STALLION) born: 1 January 1999
Sibling |
Destinys Malloy 1010068 (STALLION) born: 4 April 2010
same dam 3 |
Gentle Dazzled Sun 2e Premie (STALLION) born: 21 April 2006
Sibling |
Sean of the Paradise 201110641 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (STALLION) born: 11 April 2011
same dam 4 |
Lord Owen of the Owlish Fortress 0710625 STER (STALLION) born: 10 May 2007
Sibling |
Joann of the Paradise 201210355 2e Premie , Traditional Cob® (MARE) born: 13 April 2012
same sire 1 |
IHS Tess 201910634 2e Premie (MARE) born: 11 September 2011
Sibling |
Giuliete Grace from Violet 201910633 1e Vpremie (MARE) born: 12 May 2019
same sire 2 |
Nigra of the Paradise 201310374 1e Premie , Traditional Cob® (MARE) born: 7 May 2013 inbreed:7.8%,%
Sibling |
Batman of Paradise 201910693 Traditional Cob® (STALLION) born: 16 May 2019
same sire 3 |
Nina van Tinkerstal Foubert STER, Preferent (MARE) born: 1 January 2005 inbreed:12.5%,%
Sibling |
Barnabas of Paradise 201810624 Traditional Cob® (STALLION) born: 26 May 2018
Gwyneira of Paradise 201910694 Traditional Cob® (MARE) born: 31 May 2019