Siblings of:
  Amarillo van the Barley Farm STER , Traditional Cob®
(MARE) 11 May 2006, HB1 A Premie,
Sire |
Woody 0101190 STER Kamp. 2003, Preferent (STALLION) born: 1 January 1997
Dam |
Tinca 0301515 STER (MARE) born: 1 January 1999
full siblings |
Rambo2 0301536 (STALLION) born: 30 April 2003
Jari 0403493 2e Premie , Traditional Cob® (STALLION) born: 12 May 2004
Meadows Roza 0508178 STER en Kampioen 2007 , Traditional Cob® (MARE) born: 18 May 2005
Kitty 0710628 1e Premie , Traditional Cob® (MARE) born: 12 May 2007
same sire 1 |
Anouska Van Het Drieshof 2e Premie (MARE) born: 10 May 1996
Sibling |
Apache 0910156 Traditional Cob® (STALLION) born: 26 June 2008
same sire 2 |
Banjer van de Bergh 1e Premie (MARE) born: 1 January 1997
Sibling |
Woodstock van de Bergh 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (STALLION) born: 8 April 2005
Wiard van de Bergh 0610114 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (GELDING) born: 13 April 2006
Kate van de Bergh 0710460 1e Premie , Traditional Cob® (MARE) born: 26 March 2007
same sire 3 |
Brune 0301530 STER, Dagkampioen Zeddam 2004 en 2006, Preferent (MARE) born: 1 January 1998
Sibling |
Nomi 0403492 STER, champion jan.2008 , Traditional Cob® (MARE) born: 19 April 2004
Meadows Brunno STER, Beste Driejarige , Traditional Cob® (STALLION) born: 9 May 2005
Gambler 0610236 1e Vpremie en beste Veulen Zeddam , Traditional Cob® (GELDING) born: 26 April 2006
Prisca 0710627 1e Premie , Traditional Cob® (MARE) born: 28 April 2007
Meadows Jake 0810316 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (STALLION) born: 27 April 2008
Fenna 1010169 Traditional Cob® (MARE) born: 30 April 2010
same sire 4 |
Ciara 02001361 (MARE) born: 1 June 1998
Sibling |
Wohan 0401547 2e Premie (GELDING) born: 6 May 2003
Mendy 0403496 1e Premie (MARE) born: 9 May 2004
Kayle 0508148 (MARE) born: 1 May 2005
Willow van de Bergh 200610266 (GELDING) born: 30 April 2006
Wilco 0711116 (STALLION) born: 1 May 2007
same sire 5 |
Cloe van de Gorterstraat 0710962 (MARE) born: 1 January 2002
Sibling |
Coco Magic Star 0810459 (MARE) born: 11 June 2008
Blossom 0910411 (MARE) born: 29 May 2009
Cloud van Bonnebelle 1010150 (STALLION) born: 7 May 2010
Caithlyn van Bonnebelle 201110190 (MARE) born: 5 May 2011
same sire 6 |
Daisy van de Weideblick STER (MARE) born: 1 May 1999
Sibling |
Donald OBudding 0710601 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (STALLION) born: 25 April 2007
same sire 7 |
Flash van de Bergh 1e Premie (MARE) born: 1 January 1998
Sibling |
Holly van de Bergh Traditional Cob® (MARE) born: 14 June 2003
Whisper van de Bergh 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (STALLION) born: 19 May 2005
Jewel van de Bergh 200610493 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (MARE) born: 19 June 2006
same sire 8 |
Flower van de Bergh 1e Premie (MARE) born: 1 January 1999
Sibling |
Hilly van de Bergh Traditional Cob® (MARE) born: 7 April 2003
Ipsy van de Bergh 1e Premie , Traditional Cob® (MARE) born: 7 April 2004
Shannon-Kaya 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (MARE) born: 25 April 2005
same sire 9 |
Flyer van de Bergh 2e Premie (MARE) born: 24 March 2001
Sibling |
Winston van de Bergh 200508160 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (STALLION) born: 7 May 2005
Wesley van de Bergh 200610115 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (GELDING) born: 20 April 2006
Kira van de Bergh 0710582 2e Premie , Traditional Cob® (MARE) born: 11 April 2007
same sire 10 |
Frisk Fan de Alde Skou (MARE) born: 25 March 2002
Sibling |
Lizzy 0910821 3e Premie (MARE) born: 3 June 2007
same sire 11 |
Georgina van de Bergh 2e Premie (MARE) born: 1 January 1997
Sibling |
Happy van de Bergh Traditional Cob® (MARE) born: 15 June 2003
Wonder Boy van de Bergh Traditional Cob® (STALLION) born: 22 May 2004
Kwiny van de Bergh 0710726 2e Premie , Traditional Cob® (MARE) born: 24 May 2007
same sire 12 |
Heather of Willow Creek 0303042 (MARE) born: 1 January 1999
Sibling |
Gipsy King of Willow Creek 0508095 2e Premie (GELDING) born: 14 March 2005
same sire 13 |
Jody 0301512 (MARE) born: 1 January 1996
Sibling |
Jodys Boy (STALLION) born: 12 May 2003
same sire 14 |
Johanna van Oort 200403613 2e Premie (MARE) born: 1 January 1996
Sibling |
Piero van Oort 200508190 Traditional Cob® (STALLION) born: 1 June 2005
same sire 15 |
Kate 0710948 (MARE) born: 1 January 2002
Sibling |
Kiki 0810560 Traditional Cob® (MARE) born: 13 May 2008
Lilo 0910390 (MARE) born: 5 May 2009
Mayday 1010210 Traditional Cob® (MARE) born: 3 May 2010
Chica 201110488 Traditional Cob® (MARE) born: 19 July 2011
Guinness 201310139 Traditional Cob® (STALLION) born: 14 May 2013
same sire 16 |
Kira van Oort 2e Premie (MARE) born: 1 January 2000
Sibling |
Romano van Oort 0508175 Traditional Cob® (STALLION) born: 28 May 2005
same sire 17 |
Norka van de Bergh 2e Premie (MARE) born: 1 January 1995
Sibling |
Jamaica van de Bergh 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (MARE) born: 31 March 2006
Wessel van de Bergh 0710459 2e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (STALLION) born: 2 April 2007
same sire 18 |
Rianna Misneach Tinka (MARE) born: 1 January 1992
Sibling |
Rianna Misneach Fergus (STALLION) born: 7 June 2003
same sire 19 |
Two Faces Irah van de Viersprong 2e Premie (MARE) born: 1 January 2002
Sibling |
Napoleon 0810436 2e Premie , Traditional Cob® (STALLION) born: 13 June 2008
same sire 20 |
Vana 0610898 3e Premie & WERK (MARE) born: 12 June 2003
Sibling |
Harvey van Stoeterij Van Loo 201110127 1e Vpremie (STALLION) born: 15 April 2011