Siblings of:
  Bella Penelope 202210444 1e Vpremie
(MARE) 15 March 2022, Partbred HB1 A,
Sire |
Buckley The Blagdon Horse 0910790 STER + Preferent , Traditional Cob® (STALLION) born: 10 June 2006
Dam |
Peggy 202210445 2e Premie (MARE) born: 13 March 2015
full siblings |
same sire 1 |
Boanika 201210312 1e Premie (MARE) born: 4 July 2008
Sibling |
Brianna of TinkerBelleHouse 201310353 Traditional Cob® (MARE) born: 1 June 2013
Bricara Of Tinker Belle House 201810227 STER , Traditional Cob® (MARE) born: 24 April 2016
same sire 2 |
Bonny DE 498 270002100 (MARE)
Sibling |
Beagan The Blagdon Horse 201210311 2e Vpremie (GELDING) born: 18 April 2012
same sire 3 |
Bora 201110622 (MARE)
Sibling |
Brianna 201110624 (MARE) born: 1 June 2011
same sire 4 |
Inka 201110697 3e Premie (MARE) born: 1 May 1997
Sibling |
Bevan of Tinker Belle House 201110699 2e Vpremie (STALLION) born: 1 August 2011
Belford The Blagdon Horse 201210315 1e Vpremie (STALLION) born: 27 July 2012
same sire 5 |
Lana DE 417170752302 (MARE)
Sibling |
Bobby 201110206 (STALLION) born: 26 April 2011
same sire 6 |
Mary-Lou 64 202110287 STER (MARE) born: 1 April 2008
Sibling |
Bob vom Stricklebenhof 202210443 TRADITIONAL COB (STALLION) born: 30 April 2022
same sire 7 |
Novalee 201210314 1e Premie , Traditional Cob® (MARE) born: 29 April 2006
Sibling |
Banquo The Blagdon Horse 201210184 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (STALLION) born: 18 March 2012
Niamh of TinkerBelleHouse 201310354 Traditional Cob® (MARE) born: 29 April 2013
Ninniach Of Tinker Belle House 201810226 STER , Traditional Cob® (MARE) born: 3 April 2016
Nayeli of Tinker Belle House 202110285 STER , Traditional Cob® (MARE) born: 4 June 2019
same sire 8 |
Robin 201110700 1e Premie (MARE) born: 1 January 1999
Sibling |
Reanna of Tinker Belle House 201110698 1e Premie , Traditional Cob® (MARE) born: 18 May 2011
Brannoc The Blagdon Horse 201510302 Traditional Cob® (STALLION) born: 7 August 2014
Bonny Prince Charls The Blagdon Horse 201810228 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (STALLION) born: 21 June 2017
Rayna of Tinker Belle House 202110284 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (MARE) born: 6 May 2020
same sire 9 |
Robin DE304-04-76904-99 (MARE) born: 1 January 1999
Sibling |
Balan of Tinker Belle House 0910791 2e Vpremie (STALLION) born: 12 June 2009
same sire 10 |
Sally of Sunshine 047568995 (MARE) born: 1 January 1995
Sibling |
Scathach of Tinker Belle House 0910794 1e Vpremie (MARE) born: 6 September 2009
same sire 11 |
Tess of Tinker-Circle 202110291 2e Premie (MARE) born: 7 May 2010
Sibling |
Balthazar 202210067 (STALLION) born: 6 April 2022
Balthazar 202210446 2e Vpremie , TRADITIONAL COB (STALLION) born: 6 April 2022
same sire 12 |
Tinka 201110621 (MARE)
Sibling |
Thyrona 201110623 (MARE) born: 24 July 2011