Siblings of:
  Destiny-s Moya 1010331 Traditional Cob®
(MARE) 11 June 2010, HB1 A, PSSM1:n/n
Sire |
Gentle Dazzled Sun 2e Premie (STALLION) born: 21 April 2006
Dam |
Two Faces Irah van de Viersprong 2e Premie (MARE) born: 1 January 2002
full siblings |
same dam 1 |
DestinysTiësto 1010413 (STALLION) born: 1 January 2007
Sibling |
Destinys Zelda 201110281 (MARE) born: 4 June 2011
Destiny-s Danni 201310092 (MARE) born: 3 April 2013
Destinys Ronja 201410314 (MARE) born: 20 May 2014
same dam 2 |
Gentle Dreamer 2e Premie (STALLION) born: 24 March 2003
Sibling |
Gentle Blizzard 0710463 2e Premie & Werkproef , Traditional Cob® (STALLION) born: 19 April 2007
same dam 3 |
Mr.DocEinstein van de Viersprong rejected (STALLION) born: 20 April 2006
Sibling |
Destinys Aislin 0910552 (MARE) born: 8 June 2009
same dam 4 |
The Old Horse (STALLION)
Sibling |
Don Juan van de Viersprong (STALLION) born: 10 July 2005
same dam 5 |
Woody 0101190 STER Kamp. 2003, Preferent (STALLION) born: 1 January 1997
Sibling |
Napoleon 0810436 2e Premie , Traditional Cob® (STALLION) born: 13 June 2008
same sire 1 |
Destinys Enya 1010083 2e Premie , Traditional Cob® (MARE) born: 9 April 2010
Sibling |
Teunis 201510167 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (STALLION) born: 14 May 2015
same sire 2 |
Dingle 0201241 2e Premie (MARE) born: 1 January 1998
Sibling |
Gentle Drizzle 1010044 Traditional Cob® (MARE) born: 3 March 2010
same sire 3 |
Floor van de Gadedijk 0810532 (MARE) born: 1 January 1997
Sibling |
Gentle Frostflower 1010045 (MARE) born: 5 March 2010
same sire 4 |
Gentle Donna 1010172 (MARE) born: 22 August 2006
Sibling |
Gentle Heatwave 201110272 (MARE) born: 10 April 2011
Gentle Dawn 201210129 STER (MARE) born: 2 May 2012
same sire 5 |
Gentle Soverign2 201110017 (MARE) born: 1 January 2002
Sibling |
Gentle Shade 201310352 Traditional Cob® (MARE) born: 22 May 2013
same sire 6 |
Iris 201510109 (MARE) born: 1 January 2003
Sibling |
He is our Irish Jackpot Shaken not Stirred 201510110 (STALLION) born: 23 April 2015
same sire 7 |
Jessie Go-Go STER, Werk , Traditional Cob® (MARE) born: 28 February 2006
Sibling |
Sean of the Paradise 201110641 1e Vpremie , Traditional Cob® (STALLION) born: 11 April 2011
same sire 8 |
Kayle 0508148 (MARE) born: 1 May 2005
Sibling |
Cinta 201210297 (MARE) born: 28 May 2012
same sire 9 |
Romany Baby 201110018 1e Premie (MARE) born: 1 January 2007
Sibling |
Gentle Sundance 201310350 Traditional Cob® (MARE) born: 20 April 2013
same sire 10 |
Sally of the Romany Horses (MARE)
Sibling |
Sallys Sunny Boy van de Eire Stables 201510093 (STALLION) born: 11 April 2015