Irish Cob Society Nederland

vertikaler Stammbaum

Lady Quinty of the Owlish Fortress 201810340
(STUTE) 30 May 2018, HB2 A,
Red Velvet Fox van de Dorushoeve 201610554
20 June 2014

Keine Vollgeschwister
Silver Fox

Keine Vollgeschwister
Coates Spun Sugar

Keine Vollgeschwister
Lady Quinta of The Owlish Fortress 201310492
STER & Werk , Traditional CobĀ®

28 April 2011
HB1 A Premie PSSM1:n/n

Lord Quintus of The Owlish Fortress 201310493, 2012-05-04,
Lord Cameron of the Owlish Fortress
STER PREFERENT , Traditional CobĀ®

18 June 2005
HB1 A Premie PSSM1:n/P1

Lady Duvessa of the Owlish Fortress, 2006-05-25,
Raven van Gipsy Spirit
STER Kampioen 2004, Res. Kampioen 2005

1 January 1995 Basis Premie PSSM1:n/P1
Keine Vollgeschwister
Damara Vegilin v. C.

1 January 1995 Basis Premie
Keine Vollgeschwister
Lady Quincy of the Owlish Fortress 0810136
1e Premie

1 January 2000
Basis Premie

Keine Vollgeschwister