Irish Cob Society Nederland

Vertical pedigree of:

Bacardi vom Auenland 202410401
(STALLION) 2 June 2024, HB1 A,
Buster 201610286
1e Premie

25 April 2016
HB1 B Premie

Full sibling:
Vines Galaxy 201810445, 2015-04-01,
Vines Oak Leaf 201410040

1 January 2006
Basis Premie PSSM1:n/n

Full siblings:none
The Boss AKA the Business
1 January 1990 Basis
Full siblings:none
Heathen Lee Mare N.R.

Full siblings:none
Dolly 201410049
1 January 2009

Full siblings:none
Apache N.R.

Full siblings:none
Best Black Mare N.R.

Full siblings:none
Vanity le Fleur from Golden Star 201610390
2e Premie , Traditional CobĀ®

12 May 2016
HB1 A Premie

Full sibling:
Vivians Emily 201410388, 2010-05-06,
Full sibling:
Venezia from Golden Star 201310267, 2013-06-03,
Full sibling:
Vayana le Fleur 201710291, 2017-04-17,
Full sibling:
Varouka le Fleur 201810313, 2018-05-11,
Majestic Shirrdan 201310176

30 April 2003
HB1 B Premie

Full siblings:none
Mr.Guinness DE310108800894

Full siblings:none
Florentina DE398980178896

Full siblings:none
Vivian 201310266
1e Premie

1 August 2001
HB1 B Premie

Full siblings:none
Neoman DE310108800994

Full siblings:none
Stella DE3101088406902

Full siblings:none